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【Application deadline on May 26】IFTA Fintech and Innovation Awards 2022 / 2023
【Application deadline on May 26】IFTA Fintech and Innovation Awards 2022 / 2023
IFTA Fintech and Innovation Awards 2022/2023, orgainsed by The Institute of Financial Technologists of Asia, is now open for application. This year, the Awards streamlined into 14 award categories, with 10 for corporates and 4 for individuals / teams; while one of the award categories is newly introduced - cybersecurity, so to promote the effort of protecting data. SCC is a supporting organisation of the event.
Application deadline is May 26. For registration or more information, please visit .
由亞洲金融科技師學會主辦的2022 / 2023 年 IFTA 金融科技創新獎現已接受提名。今年,大會設有14個獎項類別,包括10個企業獎項類別及4個個人獎項類別,並新增了網絡安全獎項。SCC是活動支持機構。
獎項申請截止日期為5月26日,報名或詳情請瀏覽 。