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    SCC e-Newsletter - Invite participation to Bangkok event and China Hi-Tech Fair

SCC e-Newsletter - Invite participation to Bangkok event and China Hi-Tech Fair


Dear Members and Friends,

This e-newsletter provides a glimpse of Smart City Consortium (SCC)’s events and initiatives over the past quarter. For previous versions of e-newsletters and more details of upcoming events, please visit the following links respectively.


SCC大灣區智慧城市群論壇 @數字經濟峰會
Digital Economy Summit and SCC’s GBA Smart City Forum


睽違多時的互聯網經濟峰會,將於今年4月13-14日以全新面貌「數字經濟峰會」跟大家攜手探討數碼社會與智慧城市的未來。峰會以「蛻變前行 共創智慧未來」為題,討論創新科技如何在疫情後推動社會及經濟發展,迎接下一浪智慧城市動向。峰會有六大專題論壇,多位科創領域的國際星級嘉賓將揭示科技如何驅動智慧經濟發展,剖析全球及區域發展願景。

SCC會員及友好立即預購門票可享 SCC優惠價,全票通行證HK$300(原價HK$1,000);線上通行證 $100(原價HK$500)。訂購門票請登入 ,輸入SCC優惠代碼-全票「coorg300」或線上「coorg100」。票務查詢請致電31663757聯絡數碼港。 


The former Internet Economy Summit is making a great come back as “Digital Economy Summit” 2023 (DES 2023). The rebranded edition of the summit will be staged on April 13-14 at HKCEC, with the theme “Emerging with Resilience: Fostering a Smarter Future”, comprising 6 Thematic Forums.

Discounts are offered to SCC Members and Friends - HK$300 for physical participation (standard price at HK$1,000) and HK$100 for virtual pass (standard price at HK$500). Please register and input “coorg300” for physical participation or “coorg100” for virtual pass. Please contact Cyberport on 31663757 if you have any questions about the ticketing.

Please visit for more details of DES.

智慧城市聯盟作為合辦機構,將於活動首天 (4月13日) 下午舉辦「優化大灣區及國際智慧城市群的發展」論壇,邀請香港及海外專家講述智慧城市重點基建及多個領域的智能技術,並探討如何抓緊大灣區智慧城市群的機遇。了解更多:

想親身參與亞洲創新科技旗艦盛事?立即以SCC優惠價訂購門票: ,輸入SCC優惠代碼 全票「coorg300」或線上「coorg100」。全票通行證HK$300(原價HK$1,000);線上通行證HK$100(原價HK$500)。 票務查詢請致電31663757聯絡數碼港。 

SCC, being a co-organiser of the Digital Economy Summit, will stage a half-day forum on “Advancing Smart City Development – GBA and Beyond” on the first day (April 13) afternoon. The forum will look at the latest smart city initiatives of Hong Kong and international practices, alongside the capitalization of the opportunities in the GBA smart city clusters. For more details, please visit .

Discounts are offered to SCC Members and Friends - HK$300 for physical participation (standard price at HK$1,000) and HK$100 for virtual pass (standard price at HK$500). Please register and input “coorg300” for physical participation or “coorg100” for virtual pass. Please contact Cyberport on 31663757 if you have any questions about the ticketing.

InnoEX – the region’s most anticipated I&T Event and “SCC Smart Living Pavilion”

香港特別行政區政府及香港貿易發展局將合辦全新的「香港國際創科展」(InnoEX),活動於 2023年4月12至15日假會展中心舉行,詳情請瀏覽


The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the Hong Kong Trade Development Council will co-organise an inaugural InnoEX on 12-15 April 2023. Riding on the past success of the HKTDC International ICT Expo, the InnoEX will be a prominent I&T event displaying cutting-edge technologies and disruptive innovations, facilitating regional and cross-sector collaborations among enterprises and government administrations, with a special focus in Asia. (Please visit for more information).

SCC will stage a "Smart Living Pavilion" at the InnoEX in Hall 3G-B02, showcasing the “Smart Living” technologies of Hong Kong companies. The SCC Pavilion is funded by the General Support Programme of the Innovation and Technology Fund and sponsored by E-Commerce Association of HK. Welcome to visit SCC Pavilion and explore collaboration. Please call 34804230 or visit SCC website ( ) for details.

SCC智慧生活館 @曼谷「成就機遇.首選香港」大型推廣活動
SCC Smart Living Pavilion at “Think Business, Think Hong Kong”, Bangkok

香港貿易發展局將於2023年7月13至14日在泰國曼谷舉辦大型商貿推廣活動 ─ 「成就機遇.首選香港」,向泰國及其他東盟地區的商界展示香港作為環球營商樞紐的角色及香港的優質產品和服務。詳情請瀏覽

SCC將於曼谷「成就機遇.首選香港」上設置「SCC智慧生活展館」,介紹香港公司與智慧生活有關的服務或產品。歡迎有興趣開展泰國以及東盟業務的香港科技公司申請參加,截止申請日期為4月11日,查詢請電34804230或電郵至 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 與SCC秘書處鄭先生或葉先生聯絡。SCC展館由工業貿易署「工商機構支援基金」撥款資助,香港軟件行業協會和香港資訊科技聯會為合作機構。

SCC will stage a “Smart Living Pavilion” at “Think Business, Think Hong Kong” on 13-14 July 2023 in Bangkok, Thailand. HK companies in smart living sectors interested in Thai and the ASEAN market are encouraged to apply for participation. Application deadline is 11 April. The SCC Pavilion is funded by the Trade and Industrial Organisation Support Fund (TSF), while the HK Software Industry Association (HKSiA) and HK Information Technology Joint Council (HKITJC) are Collaborating Organisations. For enquiries, please call Mr Cheng/Mr Ip at SCC Secretariat on 34804230 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Organised by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC), “Think Business, Think Hong Kong” in Bangkok is a signature promotion campaign aimed to showcase Hong Kong as a resilient business and innovation hub facilitating global businesses to capture new demands and realize business opportunities worldwide.

The event will be held at Centara Grand and Bangkok Convention Centre at Central World in Bangkok, where Hong Kong and Thai business communities will convene to explore new partnership opportunities through networking, meetings and insight exchanges. Key activities will include a trade expo showcasing high quality and innovative products from Hong Kong. More details please visit .

「活用數據分析拓展營銷」講堂 (5月17日)
Data Analytics Training on Maximizing the Value in Customer Data


為協助各行業利用數據分析提升生產力及營銷效率,智慧城市聯盟(SCC)將於5月17日下午4至6時舉辦「活用數據分析拓展營銷」講堂,介紹大數據的關鍵理論及使用方法。歡迎現場出席或網上參加,費用全免。報名請瀏覽 。查詢請電3480 4230或電郵 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 與SCC秘書處聯絡。

主持:秦仲宇先生 (智慧城市聯盟副會長兼研究及藍圖委員會主席、香港大學HKUSPACE 講師)

講者:蔡曉青先生 (香港都會大學、香港城市大學專業進修學院、香港理工大學專業進修學院客席講師;綠融智庫有限公司首席執行官兼首席數據科學家;雲端與流動運算專業人士協會大數據委員會主席)


SCC’s Data Analytics Training on “Maximizing the Value in Customer Data” will be held on May 17 at 4-6 p.m. It will focus on deciphering the digital connection of data in our daily operation in data processing and maximizing the value in customer data. Registration is free of charge, first-come-first-served. Registration please visit . Please reach SCC Secretariat (Tel: 3480 4230 ; email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) for enquiries.

The training is funded by Innovation and Technology Commission General Support Programme and sponsored by E-Commerce Association of HK. The previous training on “Re-defining the Impact of Big Data and Data Analytics for Business Recovery” took place on February 24.

Hong Kong Housing Society (HKHS) International Conference 2023


SCC創辦人及榮譽會長鄧淑明博士將於「房屋創新 - 未來之路」環節擔任主持。報名及詳情請瀏覽 。查詢請致電 3769 6404 / 3769 6408 ,或電郵 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 與香港房屋協會曾小姐或林小姐聯絡。

Themed “A Vision for the Future: Liveable Communities for Sustainable Living of Multi-Generations”, the Hong Kong Housing Society (HKHS) International Conference 2023 will take place on April 17 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at HKCEC. The conference provides an excellent opportunity for HK and overseas delegates to exchange insights and experiences on the subjects of multi-generational community, innovations for housing, etc. SCC is a supporting organization.

SCC Founder and Honorary President Dr Winnie Tang will be the moderator of “Innovations for Housing – The Road Ahead” Panel. Please visit for more details or registration, or contact HKHS Ms Winnie Tsang or Ms Vivian Lam at 3769 6494/3769 6408 or by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for enquiries.

‘How AIoT Technologies Reinvent our Daily Environment’ Conference

嶺南大學將於3月29日舉辦 ‘How AIoT Technologies Reinvent our Daily Environment’ 研討會,SCC 為支持機構之一。

免收參加費,歡迎現場出席或線上參加,研討會內容及其他詳情 請按此 。報名請登入 請按此

Welcome to participate the ‘How AIoT Technologies Reinvent our Daily Environment’ Conference on March 29. Free of charge, it is organised by Lingnan University with SCC as one of the supporting organisations.

Speakers of the one-day conference will share their successful business transformation experience for the Proof-of-Concept (PoC) on how to apply AI/AIoT to build a real world case for conference participants by application of innovative AIoT, Big Data and Cloud Computing techniques & smart technologies to face present and future challenges of business. Participants can join the conference face-to-face or online.

Please click here for the rundown and more details of the conference. For registration, please click here

Smart City Roving Exhibition

政府資訊科技總監辦公室3月2日起一連四星期,在多個地區 (見下表) 舉辦「智慧城市」巡迴展覽,歡迎市民到場參觀。展覽於早上10時至晚上8時開放,展示有關智慧出行及智慧出遊的措施,包括香港三維數碼地圖、實時交通燈號調節系統、智慧斑馬線試驗計劃、不停車繳費系統、虛擬海關服務大使及智慧機場等展品。

- March 2-5:葵芳新都會廣場三樓中庭 Atrium, L3, Metroplaza, Kwai Fong
- March 9-12: 銅鑼灣時代廣場地下有蓋廣場 Covered Piazza, Times Square
- March 16-19:東涌逸東商場地下 (A場) Venue A, G/F, Yat Tung Shopping Centre, Tung Chung
- March 23-26: 新蒲崗Mikiki 地下中庭 Atrium, G/F, Mikiki, San Po Kong
- March 30- April 2:上水匯二樓中庭 Atrium, 2/F, Spot, Sheung Shui

Smart City Roving Exhibition, organised by Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO), will take place from March 2 to April 2 at 10:00 am-8:00 pm (see above). Initiatives related to smart mobility and smart travel will be shown. The exhibits include the 3D digital map of Hong Kong, real-time adaptive traffic signal system, smart zebra crossing, “HKeToll”, Customs virtual robotic ambassador, contactless e-channel service, flight token and other smart airport initiatives. The exhibition is open to public.

Roving Exhibition of Common Spatial Data Infrastructure


發展局為推動公眾使用空間資訊,2021年中成立由東華三院營運、智慧城市聯盟(SCC) 支援的「地理空間實驗室」;2022年底推出CSDI入門網站。


The forthcoming “Roving Exhibition of Common Spatial Data Infrastructure (CSDI)”, organised by the Development Bureau, will be held in City Gallery, Central, for the whole month in April. The CSDI is a key initiative under the Smart City Blueprint for Hong Kong. It provides a map-based digital infrastructure as a one-stop platform to open and share the Government's spatial data.

The first CSDI exhibition took place in Festival Walk in mid-February. Above pictures show Ms Bernadette Linn, Secretary for Development; Chang Kwok Fai, Deputy Director (Survey & Mapping) of Lands Department; Mr YC Chan, Head of Spatial Data Office of DevB; and Dr Winnie Tang, SCC’s Founder and Honorary President, at the exhibition.

Tourism and Hospitality - Theme of GeoLab Activities

位於觀塘的「地理空間實驗室」新一期的活動將以「旅遊與款待」為主題。3 月 25 日將舉行「以資源規劃角度探討生態旅遊」專題講座,4月22日將舉行「GIS於可持續旅遊規劃中的應用」工作坊,詳情請參閱地理空間實驗室網頁:

The Geospatial Lab (GeoLab) will organise a series of activities themed “Tourism and Hospitality”. A Talk on “Ecotourism: A Resource Planning Perspective” will take place on March 25 and a workshop on “The application of GIS in sustainable tourism planning” in April 22. For more details please visit .


  • 「以空間數據創建賽車遊戲的虛擬世界」專題講座 (2022年12月3日)
  • 「3D打印 - 使用LiDAR數據創建3D城市模型」工作坊(12月17日)
  • 「免費及開放源碼地理信息系統 (GIS) 簡介」 工作坊(12月31日)
  • 「地理空間實驗室體驗日」,活動全日設有不同的互動遊戲及展品,講座及工作坊 (2023年1月14日)
  • 「以地理信息系統 (GIS) 探索空間數據」工作坊(2月18日)
  • 「三維數碼地圖的簡介」講堂 (2月21日)
  • 空間數據共享平台入門網站及框架空間數據主題集簡介分享會(2月27日)

The Geolab was established by the Development Bureau, operated by Tung Wah Group of Hospitals and supported by Smart City Consortium. Over the past quarter, in addition to the “Experience Day” held on 14 Jan 2023 , the Geospatial Lab held a number of Professional Talks and workshops covering "Using Spatial Data for Car-racing Games" (3 Dec 2022), "3D Printing - Using LiDAR Data to Create 3D City Models"(Dec 17), " Free and Open-source GIS" (Dec 31), "Exploring Spatial Data for GIS Application" (18 Feb 2023), "Introduction to 3D Digital Map” (21 Feb), and Sharing on Common Spatial Data Infrastructure Portal and Framework Spatial Data Theme (Feb 27).

Inter-school AI Formula Edge Competition


該比賽由SCC及STEM Plus Ltd主辦,創新科技及工業局、科學園、數碼港、生產力促進局、職業訓練局、教育城、香港電子業商會及宣道國際學校為支持機構。比賽吸引20多間學校參賽。參賽的年輕人自製參賽戰車,並為戰車融入人工智能和編程,積極發揮創意。活動詳情和得獎名單請瀏覽

Participated by over 20 secondary schools, the 2nd Inter-school AI Formula Edge Competition took place from 16-18 December 2022. Hon Elizabeth Quat, Chairman of LegCo’s Subcommittee on Matters Relating to the Development of Smart City cum SCC Founder and Honorary President, was the Guest of Honour of the Award Presentation Ceremony. Professor Dong SUN, Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry delivered speech online.

Organised by SCC and STEM Plus Limited, the Formula Edge is the largest and most advance inter-school AI competition ever held in Hong Kong. Supporting Organisations included Innovation, Technology and Industry Bureau, HK Science and Technology Parks Corporation, Cyberport, HK Productivity Council, Vocational Training Council, Education City, HK Electronics Industry Association and Christian Alliance International School. Please visit the above link for event details and names of winners.

SCC 第二屆全港小小定格動畫創作比賽
The 2nd Next Generation Animator Awards

由SCC及「教學廿一」主辦,PRISTER Academy 任執行機構的「第二屆全港小小定格動畫創作比賽」將於4月上旬舉行頒獎暨閉幕禮。學生透過比賽學習到如何製作定格動畫,由劇本、分鏡、拍攝到後期製作,全程都自編自導自演。查詢請電 9140 6929 與PRISTER Academy 聯絡或看

The 2nd Next Generation Animator Awards”, organised by SCC and Ed21, and implemented by PRISTER Academy, aims to deepen students’ understanding of stop motion animation and story-telling skills. The Award Presentation ceremony will take place in April. For more details, please see or contact PRISTER Academy at 9140 6929.

Smart Living Partnership Award 2022



Smart Living Partnership Awards 2022, organised by ET Net and co-organised with Cyberport for the 3rd consecutive year, aims to recognise, promote and support outstanding companies or organisations which commit to promoting HK as a Smart City, improves society’s competitiveness and increases public awareness of digitalisation. SCC is a Strategic Partner of the event.

Dr Winnie Tang, Founder and Honorary President of Smart City Consortium, was the Head of Judge. SCC Vice President Daniel Chun and Chairman of SCC FinTech Committee Emil Chan were on the Panel of Judges. The Award Presentation Ceremony took place on 27 February 2023. Please visit the above link for event details and names of winners.

FinTech Awards 2022


The FinTech Awards 2022, organized by ET Net with SCC as a Strategic Partner, aimed at commending best FinTech practices and recognizing outstanding FinTech professionals from HK-based companies. Dr Winnie Tang, Founder and Honorary President of Smart City Consortium, was the Head of Judge. SCC Vice President Mr Daniel Chun and Chairman of SCC FinTech Committee Emil Chan were on the Panel of Judges. The Award Presentation Ceremony was held on 18 January 2023. Please visit the above link for events details and names of winners.

SCC welcomes HK I&T Development Blueprint

香港智慧城市聯盟(SCC)歡迎創新科技及工業局2022年12月22日發表的《香港創新科技發展藍圖》,本會尤其關注第6項策略 ----「加快香港數字經濟和智慧城市發展步伐 提升市民生活質素」,這策略回應了SCC過往一段時間提出的要求。自2017年《香港智慧城市藍圖》推出以來,多項數碼基建設施相繼落實,市民在疫情期間享受到不同數碼基建帶來的生活便利;不過,政府部門使用數碼基建的步伐不一,各部門首長須推動其轄下單位加快採用先進科技,帶頭推動各界善用數碼基建拓展業務。

SCC welcomes the Hong Kong Innovation and Technology (I&T) Development Blueprint promulgated on 22 December 2022 by the Innovation, Technology and Industry Bureau. In particular, SCC supports the Strategy #6 about “accelerate the development of digital economy and smart city to enhance citizens’ quality of life” and hopes various Government departments to take the lead to adopt advanced technologies, and accelerate the development of new digital infrastructure.

SCC supports digital transformation initiatives


SCC welcomes the 2023-24 Budget outlined by the Financial Secretary Paul Chan on 22 February 2023 and supports the initiatives which promote the wider use of “iAM Smart” and expedite the pace of digital transformation.

Welcome to download e-book on Digital Transformation

經濟日報集團旗下e-zone 出版「數碼轉型 . 邁向可持續業務成長」電子書,SCC 是支持單位。歡迎按此免費下載。查詢請電2880 2888 與香港經濟日報聯絡。

e-zone, of HK Economic Times Group, has published an E-book on Digital Transformation. SCC is a supporting organisation. Welcome to download the ebook. For enquiries, please contact HKET at 2880 2888.

STEAM Education Fair 2022

由教育局主辦的「STEAM教育博覽會2022」於2022年11月26日至2023年1月31日線上舉行。是次STEAM教育博覽會透過多元學習活動營造STEAM學習氣氛,發掘和培育具創科潛質的精英,讓具創新科技的學生,有進一步發揮潛能的機會。SCC作為支持機構,提供以空間數據為主題的教學影片。 教育局局長蔡若蓮博士擔任開幕禮主禮嘉賓, SCC副會長馮卓能先生及一眾嘉賓也席開幕禮。

STEAM Education Fair 2022, organised by the Education Bureau with SCC as a supporting organisation, was held on 26 November 2022 – 31 January 2023 online. The Fair aimed to showcase and celebrate a wide range of students’ learning achievements on STEAM-related areas, as well as to provide learning experiences for students to foster their creativity and innovation. As a supporting organization, SCC provided videos about spatial data learning. The Nov 26 opening ceremony was officiated by Secretary for Education Dr Christine Choi, together with SCC Vice President Clement Fung and other VIPs.

奧地利 -香港 科技合作(建造 & 出行)
Austria-HK Technology Collaboration (Construction & Mobility)

ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA HK聯同SCC、建造業議會和商界環保協會於 2022年12 月 5 日至 7 日舉行「奧地利 - 香港科技日」。奧地利駐港總領事Karl Ernst、科技及工業局副局長張曼莉、SCC 會長楊文銳、副會長曾劍鋒博士、及建造業議會和商界環保協會代表出席開幕禮。曾劍鋒博士代表SCC致辭。

香港公司如有興趣跟奧地利的建造和出行科技供應商探討合作,歡迎參加ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA Hong Kong安排的視像會議,報名及查詢請電25222388聯絡 Yvonne Choi/Celistina Pang.ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA HK ( 奧地利商務專員公署) 為SCC MoU 夥伴。

The Austrian-HK Technology Days 2022, organised by ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA Hong Kong, SCC, Construction Industry Council (CIC) and Business Environment Council (BEC) on 5-7 December 2022, facilitated a vivid exchange between Austrian and Hong Kong experts and solutions providers for construction and urban tech. Austrian Consul General Karl Ernst, Under Secretary for ITIB Lilian Cheong, SCC President Gary Yeung and Vice President Ir Dr KF Tsang, and senior representatives of other organisers from CIC and BEC officiated at the opening ceremony. Dr Tsang, on behalf of SCC, delivered remarks at the opening. ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA HK is SCC’s MoU Partner.

Further to the 3-day event, HK companies interested in collaboration with Austrian construction and mobility tech providers are welcome to join video meetings arranged by ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA HK. Please register (choice: remote), or contact Yvonne Choi/Celistina Pang on tel: 25222388 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Asian Financial Forum 2023

SCC副會長秦仲宇出席亞洲金融論壇中「Indonesian Infrastructure Development and Capital City Relocation 」圓桌論壇,與印尼代表分享有關香港智慧城市發展。

SCC Vice President Daniel Chun attended the Roundtable meeting on Indonesian Infrastructure Development and Capital City Relocation at Asian Financial Forum 2023.

3月29至30日 WOW Summit Hong Kong
WOW Summit Hong Kong (March 29-30)

由投資香港和香港旅遊發展局支持的WOW Summit Hong Kong 將於3月29至30日於亞洲國際博覽館舉行。來自世界各地的藝術家將在 NFT 和數字藝術展上展示他們的作品,與會者可了解有關 Web2 到 Web3 過渡以及互聯網的未來、區塊鏈採用、實物資產標記化等熱門話題。SCC為活動支持機構。報名及詳情請瀏覽 .

The WOW Summit Hong Kong, supported by Hong Kong Tourism Board and InvestHK, will be held on March 29-30 at AsiaWorld-Expo. NFT and Metaverse artists, creators and designers will present their masterpieces. Smart City Consortium (SCC) is a supporting organisation of the event. Registration or more details, please visit .

Green PropTech Innovator Challenge 現已接受報名
Open for application - Green PropTech Innovator Challenge

由Hong Kong PropTech Association 及 Y.X Community 聯合主辦、SCC為支持機構的Green PropTech Innovator Challenge 是一個為大專學生及青年初創企業而設的培育計劃。 Green PropTech Innovator Challenge 現已接受報名,報名及詳情請瀏覽 。查詢請致電 8101 2339或電郵 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 與 Y.X Community 聯絡。

Co-organised by Hong Kong PropTech Association and Y.X Community and supported by SCC, the Green PropTech Innovator Challenge is an incubation programme targeting talented higher education students and student-founded early-stage startups. It is now open for application, registration or more details please visit . Enquiry please reach Y.X Community at 8101 2339 or email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Asia Smart App Awards

由香港無線科技商會舉辦、香港特區政府「創意香港」贊助的「亞洲智能應用程式大獎」,嘉獎優質且極具創意的智能應用程式,為來自亞洲各地的程式開發專家們提供一個發光發亮的舞台。SCC為支持機構。詳情請瀏覽 。查詢請電2788 5968 或電郵 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 聯絡香港無線科技商會。

Organised by Hong Kong Wireless Technology Industry Association (WTIA) and sponsored by Create Hong Kong, the “Asia Smart App Awards (ASA) 2022/2023” encourages the development of the expanding smart application industry. SCC is the supporting organisation of the Awards. More details please visit . Enquiries please reach WTIA by 2788 5968 or by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

大灣區STEM卓越獎2023 (香港區)
Greater Bay Area STEM Excellence Award 2023 (HKSAR)

由香港新興科技教育協會(HKNETEA)策動籌辦,SCC為支持機構的2023年大灣區STEM卓越獎(香港區)現正接受報名,題目包括:資訊科技、機器人、科學實驗組、藝術科技、元宇宙及環境、社會、企業管治 (ESG)組別,歡迎大專及中小學學生參與。比賽目的是讓學生於STEM方面發揮創意及提升創新能力;並表揚學生、老師和學校在創科發明上所付出的努力。有興趣參與比賽的同學,請按此瀏覽大會網頁。查詢請聯絡HKNETEA (電話:2869 6603 / 電郵 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )。報名截止日期為3月31日。

To enhance students’ creativity and innovation, and recognise young STEM talents for their efforts, Hong Kong New Emerging Technology Education Association (HKNETEA) organises “The Greater Bay Area STEM Excellence Awards 2023 (HKSAR)” and encourages primary and secondary school students to participate. The Award 2023 (HKSAR) is open for participation. For more details, please click here to visit or reach the association by phone on 2869 6603 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Deadline will be March 31. SCC is a supporting organisation.

Asia Summit on Global Health

The Asia Summit on Global Health (ASGH), an event focused on health innovation and investment in Asia jointly organised by HKSAR Govt and HKTDC, will take place on 17-18 May at HKCEC (pls see above for more details).

SCC Members are offered discounted Standard Pass at USD200/HKD1,560 (Original fee at USD800 / HKD6,240 per head ) which allows access to ASGH physical sessions and exhibition at HKCEC on 17 May; and full access to streaming sessions and virtual exhibition via ASGH Digital Platform on 18 May.

If you are interested, please register online for the discounted pass at on or before 31 March 2023. Pls mark “ 01P50TGSCC “which is the special code offered to SCC.

Please contact Ms Vanessa Wong of HKTDC at Tel: (852) 2584 4302 or via email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Hong Kong Electronics Symposium 2023

由香港工程師學會電子分部主辦的Hong Kong Electronics Symposium 2023 以「Embracing the Innovation & Technology Ecosystem」為主題,將於4月24日假香港科學園舉行。智慧城市聯盟(SCC)為支持機構。

報名請按此。查詢請致電2376 2708或電郵 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 與Ms. Veronica CHENG聯絡。

The Hong Kong Electronics Symposium 2023, themed “Embracing the Innovation & Technology Ecosystem”, will be held on April 24 at Hong Kong Science Park. The symposium aims to promote the benefits of smart city development and how electronics engineering contributes our city in embracing HK’s I&T Ecosystem. The Symposium is organised by The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) Electronics Division and supported by Smart City Consortium.

For registration please click here. Enquiries please contact Ms. Veronica CHENG at (852) 2376 2708 or by E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

大阪國際學生創意獎 2022
International Students Creative Award 2022 (ISCA 2022)

由Knowledge Capital主辦及SCC支持的International Students Creative Award 2022 於1月20至21日舉行。ISCA大阪國際學生創作節是國際藝術與資訊媒體競賽,激發學生的潛力,揮灑青春的才能與創意。得獎作品名單已經揭曉,詳情請瀏覽

International Students Creative Award 2022, organised by Knowledge Capital and supported by SCC, was held on January 20-21. The Award aims to discover and highlight young creative talent in the field of video production and digital contents. Winning Works has been announced, more details please visit .


Best regards,
Smart City Consortium
Please visit SCC website for details of the ‘Smart City’ concept, SCC’s role, vision and mission:
About Smart City Consortium

Smart City Consortium (SCC) is formed by a group of professionals from different corporations and organizations to provide opinions and suggestions to the Government for formulating related policies and standards in the development of Hong Kong as a world-class smart city. We encourage worldwide collaboration with different stakeholders to create the right ecosystem which fosters innovation and sustainable economic growth for Hong Kong.

Dear Members and Friends,

This e-newsletter provides a glimpse of Smart City Consortium (SCC)’s events and initiatives over the past quarter. For previous versions of e-newsletters and more details of upcoming events, please visit the following links respectively.


SCC大灣區智慧城市群論壇 @數字經濟峰會
Digital Economy Summit and SCC’s GBA Smart City Forum


睽違多時的互聯網經濟峰會,將於今年4月13-14日以全新面貌「數字經濟峰會」跟大家攜手探討數碼社會與智慧城市的未來。峰會以「蛻變前行 共創智慧未來」為題,討論創新科技如何在疫情後推動社會及經濟發展,迎接下一浪智慧城市動向。峰會有六大專題論壇,多位科創領域的國際星級嘉賓將揭示科技如何驅動智慧經濟發展,剖析全球及區域發展願景。

SCC會員及友好立即預購門票可享 SCC優惠價,全票通行證HK$300(原價HK$1,000);線上通行證 $100(原價HK$500)。訂購門票請登入 ,輸入SCC優惠代碼-全票「coorg300」或線上「coorg100」。票務查詢請致電31663757聯絡數碼港。 


The former Internet Economy Summit is making a great come back as “Digital Economy Summit” 2023 (DES 2023). The rebranded edition of the summit will be staged on April 13-14 at HKCEC, with the theme “Emerging with Resilience: Fostering a Smarter Future”, comprising 6 Thematic Forums.

Discounts are offered to SCC Members and Friends - HK$300 for physical participation (standard price at HK$1,000) and HK$100 for virtual pass (standard price at HK$500). Please register and input “coorg300” for physical participation or “coorg100” for virtual pass. Please contact Cyberport on 31663757 if you have any questions about the ticketing.

Please visit for more details of DES.

智慧城市聯盟作為合辦機構,將於活動首天 (4月13日) 下午舉辦「優化大灣區及國際智慧城市群的發展」論壇,邀請香港及海外專家講述智慧城市重點基建及多個領域的智能技術,並探討如何抓緊大灣區智慧城市群的機遇。了解更多:

想親身參與亞洲創新科技旗艦盛事?立即以SCC優惠價訂購門票: ,輸入SCC優惠代碼 全票「coorg300」或線上「coorg100」。全票通行證HK$300(原價HK$1,000);線上通行證HK$100(原價HK$500)。 票務查詢請致電31663757聯絡數碼港。 

SCC, being a co-organiser of the Digital Economy Summit, will stage a half-day forum on “Advancing Smart City Development – GBA and Beyond” on the first day (April 13) afternoon. The forum will look at the latest smart city initiatives of Hong Kong and international practices, alongside the capitalization of the opportunities in the GBA smart city clusters. For more details, please visit .

Discounts are offered to SCC Members and Friends - HK$300 for physical participation (standard price at HK$1,000) and HK$100 for virtual pass (standard price at HK$500). Please register and input “coorg300” for physical participation or “coorg100” for virtual pass. Please contact Cyberport on 31663757 if you have any questions about the ticketing.

InnoEX – the region’s most anticipated I&T Event and “SCC Smart Living Pavilion”

香港特別行政區政府及香港貿易發展局將合辦全新的「香港國際創科展」(InnoEX),活動於 2023年4月12至15日假會展中心舉行,詳情請瀏覽


The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the Hong Kong Trade Development Council will co-organise an inaugural InnoEX on 12-15 April 2023. Riding on the past success of the HKTDC International ICT Expo, the InnoEX will be a prominent I&T event displaying cutting-edge technologies and disruptive innovations, facilitating regional and cross-sector collaborations among enterprises and government administrations, with a special focus in Asia. (Please visit for more information).

SCC will stage a "Smart Living Pavilion" at the InnoEX in Hall 3G-B02, showcasing the “Smart Living” technologies of Hong Kong companies. The SCC Pavilion is funded by the General Support Programme of the Innovation and Technology Fund and sponsored by E-Commerce Association of HK. Welcome to visit SCC Pavilion and explore collaboration. Please call 34804230 or visit SCC website ( ) for details.

SCC智慧生活館 @曼谷「成就機遇.首選香港」大型推廣活動
SCC Smart Living Pavilion at “Think Business, Think Hong Kong”, Bangkok

香港貿易發展局將於2023年7月13至14日在泰國曼谷舉辦大型商貿推廣活動 ─ 「成就機遇.首選香港」,向泰國及其他東盟地區的商界展示香港作為環球營商樞紐的角色及香港的優質產品和服務。詳情請瀏覽

SCC將於曼谷「成就機遇.首選香港」上設置「SCC智慧生活展館」,介紹香港公司與智慧生活有關的服務或產品。歡迎有興趣開展泰國以及東盟業務的香港科技公司申請參加,截止申請日期為4月11日,查詢請電34804230或電郵至 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 與SCC秘書處鄭先生或葉先生聯絡。SCC展館由工業貿易署「工商機構支援基金」撥款資助,香港軟件行業協會和香港資訊科技聯會為合作機構。

SCC will stage a “Smart Living Pavilion” at “Think Business, Think Hong Kong” on 13-14 July 2023 in Bangkok, Thailand. HK companies in smart living sectors interested in Thai and the ASEAN market are encouraged to apply for participation. Application deadline is 11 April. The SCC Pavilion is funded by the Trade and Industrial Organisation Support Fund (TSF), while the HK Software Industry Association (HKSiA) and HK Information Technology Joint Council (HKITJC) are Collaborating Organisations. For enquiries, please call Mr Cheng/Mr Ip at SCC Secretariat on 34804230 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Organised by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC), “Think Business, Think Hong Kong” in Bangkok is a signature promotion campaign aimed to showcase Hong Kong as a resilient business and innovation hub facilitating global businesses to capture new demands and realize business opportunities worldwide.

The event will be held at Centara Grand and Bangkok Convention Centre at Central World in Bangkok, where Hong Kong and Thai business communities will convene to explore new partnership opportunities through networking, meetings and insight exchanges. Key activities will include a trade expo showcasing high quality and innovative products from Hong Kong. More details please visit .

「活用數據分析拓展營銷」講堂 (5月17日)
Data Analytics Training on Maximizing the Value in Customer Data


為協助各行業利用數據分析提升生產力及營銷效率,智慧城市聯盟(SCC)將於5月17日下午4至6時舉辦「活用數據分析拓展營銷」講堂,介紹大數據的關鍵理論及使用方法。歡迎現場出席或網上參加,費用全免。報名請瀏覽 。查詢請電3480 4230或電郵 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 與SCC秘書處聯絡。

主持:秦仲宇先生 (智慧城市聯盟副會長兼研究及藍圖委員會主席、香港大學HKUSPACE 講師)

講者:蔡曉青先生 (香港都會大學、香港城市大學專業進修學院、香港理工大學專業進修學院客席講師;綠融智庫有限公司首席執行官兼首席數據科學家;雲端與流動運算專業人士協會大數據委員會主席)


SCC’s Data Analytics Training on “Maximizing the Value in Customer Data” will be held on May 17 at 4-6 p.m. It will focus on deciphering the digital connection of data in our daily operation in data processing and maximizing the value in customer data. Registration is free of charge, first-come-first-served. Registration please visit . Please reach SCC Secretariat (Tel: 3480 4230 ; email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) for enquiries.

The training is funded by Innovation and Technology Commission General Support Programme and sponsored by E-Commerce Association of HK. The previous training on “Re-defining the Impact of Big Data and Data Analytics for Business Recovery” took place on February 24.

Hong Kong Housing Society (HKHS) International Conference 2023


SCC創辦人及榮譽會長鄧淑明博士將於「房屋創新 - 未來之路」環節擔任主持。報名及詳情請瀏覽 。查詢請致電 3769 6404 / 3769 6408 ,或電郵 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 與香港房屋協會曾小姐或林小姐聯絡。

Themed “A Vision for the Future: Liveable Communities for Sustainable Living of Multi-Generations”, the Hong Kong Housing Society (HKHS) International Conference 2023 will take place on April 17 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at HKCEC. The conference provides an excellent opportunity for HK and overseas delegates to exchange insights and experiences on the subjects of multi-generational community, innovations for housing, etc. SCC is a supporting organization.

SCC Founder and Honorary President Dr Winnie Tang will be the moderator of “Innovations for Housing – The Road Ahead” Panel. Please visit for more details or registration, or contact HKHS Ms Winnie Tsang or Ms Vivian Lam at 3769 6494/3769 6408 or by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for enquiries.

‘How AIoT Technologies Reinvent our Daily Environment’ Conference

嶺南大學將於3月29日舉辦 ‘How AIoT Technologies Reinvent our Daily Environment’ 研討會,SCC 為支持機構之一。

免收參加費,歡迎現場出席或線上參加,研討會內容及其他詳情 請按此 。報名請登入 請按此

Welcome to participate the ‘How AIoT Technologies Reinvent our Daily Environment’ Conference on March 29. Free of charge, it is organised by Lingnan University with SCC as one of the supporting organisations.

Speakers of the one-day conference will share their successful business transformation experience for the Proof-of-Concept (PoC) on how to apply AI/AIoT to build a real world case for conference participants by application of innovative AIoT, Big Data and Cloud Computing techniques & smart technologies to face present and future challenges of business. Participants can join the conference face-to-face or online.

Please click here for the rundown and more details of the conference. For registration, please click here

Smart City Roving Exhibition

政府資訊科技總監辦公室3月2日起一連四星期,在多個地區 (見下表) 舉辦「智慧城市」巡迴展覽,歡迎市民到場參觀。展覽於早上10時至晚上8時開放,展示有關智慧出行及智慧出遊的措施,包括香港三維數碼地圖、實時交通燈號調節系統、智慧斑馬線試驗計劃、不停車繳費系統、虛擬海關服務大使及智慧機場等展品。

- March 2-5:葵芳新都會廣場三樓中庭 Atrium, L3, Metroplaza, Kwai Fong
- March 9-12: 銅鑼灣時代廣場地下有蓋廣場 Covered Piazza, Times Square
- March 16-19:東涌逸東商場地下 (A場) Venue A, G/F, Yat Tung Shopping Centre, Tung Chung
- March 23-26: 新蒲崗Mikiki 地下中庭 Atrium, G/F, Mikiki, San Po Kong
- March 30- April 2:上水匯二樓中庭 Atrium, 2/F, Spot, Sheung Shui

Smart City Roving Exhibition, organised by Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO), will take place from March 2 to April 2 at 10:00 am-8:00 pm (see above). Initiatives related to smart mobility and smart travel will be shown. The exhibits include the 3D digital map of Hong Kong, real-time adaptive traffic signal system, smart zebra crossing, “HKeToll”, Customs virtual robotic ambassador, contactless e-channel service, flight token and other smart airport initiatives. The exhibition is open to public.

Roving Exhibition of Common Spatial Data Infrastructure


發展局為推動公眾使用空間資訊,2021年中成立由東華三院營運、智慧城市聯盟(SCC) 支援的「地理空間實驗室」;2022年底推出CSDI入門網站。


The forthcoming “Roving Exhibition of Common Spatial Data Infrastructure (CSDI)”, organised by the Development Bureau, will be held in City Gallery, Central, for the whole month in April. The CSDI is a key initiative under the Smart City Blueprint for Hong Kong. It provides a map-based digital infrastructure as a one-stop platform to open and share the Government's spatial data.

The first CSDI exhibition took place in Festival Walk in mid-February. Above pictures show Ms Bernadette Linn, Secretary for Development; Chang Kwok Fai, Deputy Director (Survey & Mapping) of Lands Department; Mr YC Chan, Head of Spatial Data Office of DevB; and Dr Winnie Tang, SCC’s Founder and Honorary President, at the exhibition.

Tourism and Hospitality - Theme of GeoLab Activities

位於觀塘的「地理空間實驗室」新一期的活動將以「旅遊與款待」為主題。3 月 25 日將舉行「以資源規劃角度探討生態旅遊」專題講座,4月22日將舉行「GIS於可持續旅遊規劃中的應用」工作坊,詳情請參閱地理空間實驗室網頁:

The Geospatial Lab (GeoLab) will organise a series of activities themed “Tourism and Hospitality”. A Talk on “Ecotourism: A Resource Planning Perspective” will take place on March 25 and a workshop on “The application of GIS in sustainable tourism planning” in April 22. For more details please visit .


  • 「以空間數據創建賽車遊戲的虛擬世界」專題講座 (2022年12月3日)
  • 「3D打印 - 使用LiDAR數據創建3D城市模型」工作坊(12月17日)
  • 「免費及開放源碼地理信息系統 (GIS) 簡介」 工作坊(12月31日)
  • 「地理空間實驗室體驗日」,活動全日設有不同的互動遊戲及展品,講座及工作坊 (2023年1月14日)
  • 「以地理信息系統 (GIS) 探索空間數據」工作坊(2月18日)
  • 「三維數碼地圖的簡介」講堂 (2月21日)
  • 空間數據共享平台入門網站及框架空間數據主題集簡介分享會(2月27日)

The Geolab was established by the Development Bureau, operated by Tung Wah Group of Hospitals and supported by Smart City Consortium. Over the past quarter, in addition to the “Experience Day” held on 14 Jan 2023 , the Geospatial Lab held a number of Professional Talks and workshops covering "Using Spatial Data for Car-racing Games" (3 Dec 2022), "3D Printing - Using LiDAR Data to Create 3D City Models"(Dec 17), " Free and Open-source GIS" (Dec 31), "Exploring Spatial Data for GIS Application" (18 Feb 2023), "Introduction to 3D Digital Map” (21 Feb), and Sharing on Common Spatial Data Infrastructure Portal and Framework Spatial Data Theme (Feb 27).

Inter-school AI Formula Edge Competition


該比賽由SCC及STEM Plus Ltd主辦,創新科技及工業局、科學園、數碼港、生產力促進局、職業訓練局、教育城、香港電子業商會及宣道國際學校為支持機構。比賽吸引20多間學校參賽。參賽的年輕人自製參賽戰車,並為戰車融入人工智能和編程,積極發揮創意。活動詳情和得獎名單請瀏覽

Participated by over 20 secondary schools, the 2nd Inter-school AI Formula Edge Competition took place from 16-18 December 2022. Hon Elizabeth Quat, Chairman of LegCo’s Subcommittee on Matters Relating to the Development of Smart City cum SCC Founder and Honorary President, was the Guest of Honour of the Award Presentation Ceremony. Professor Dong SUN, Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry delivered speech online.

Organised by SCC and STEM Plus Limited, the Formula Edge is the largest and most advance inter-school AI competition ever held in Hong Kong. Supporting Organisations included Innovation, Technology and Industry Bureau, HK Science and Technology Parks Corporation, Cyberport, HK Productivity Council, Vocational Training Council, Education City, HK Electronics Industry Association and Christian Alliance International School. Please visit the above link for event details and names of winners.

SCC 第二屆全港小小定格動畫創作比賽
The 2nd Next Generation Animator Awards

由SCC及「教學廿一」主辦,PRISTER Academy 任執行機構的「第二屆全港小小定格動畫創作比賽」將於4月上旬舉行頒獎暨閉幕禮。學生透過比賽學習到如何製作定格動畫,由劇本、分鏡、拍攝到後期製作,全程都自編自導自演。查詢請電 9140 6929 與PRISTER Academy 聯絡或看

The 2nd Next Generation Animator Awards”, organised by SCC and Ed21, and implemented by PRISTER Academy, aims to deepen students’ understanding of stop motion animation and story-telling skills. The Award Presentation ceremony will take place in April. For more details, please see or contact PRISTER Academy at 9140 6929.

Smart Living Partnership Award 2022



Smart Living Partnership Awards 2022, organised by ET Net and co-organised with Cyberport for the 3rd consecutive year, aims to recognise, promote and support outstanding companies or organisations which commit to promoting HK as a Smart City, improves society’s competitiveness and increases public awareness of digitalisation. SCC is a Strategic Partner of the event.

Dr Winnie Tang, Founder and Honorary President of Smart City Consortium, was the Head of Judge. SCC Vice President Daniel Chun and Chairman of SCC FinTech Committee Emil Chan were on the Panel of Judges. The Award Presentation Ceremony took place on 27 February 2023. Please visit the above link for event details and names of winners.

FinTech Awards 2022


The FinTech Awards 2022, organized by ET Net with SCC as a Strategic Partner, aimed at commending best FinTech practices and recognizing outstanding FinTech professionals from HK-based companies. Dr Winnie Tang, Founder and Honorary President of Smart City Consortium, was the Head of Judge. SCC Vice President Mr Daniel Chun and Chairman of SCC FinTech Committee Emil Chan were on the Panel of Judges. The Award Presentation Ceremony was held on 18 January 2023. Please visit the above link for events details and names of winners.

SCC welcomes HK I&T Development Blueprint

香港智慧城市聯盟(SCC)歡迎創新科技及工業局2022年12月22日發表的《香港創新科技發展藍圖》,本會尤其關注第6項策略 ----「加快香港數字經濟和智慧城市發展步伐 提升市民生活質素」,這策略回應了SCC過往一段時間提出的要求。自2017年《香港智慧城市藍圖》推出以來,多項數碼基建設施相繼落實,市民在疫情期間享受到不同數碼基建帶來的生活便利;不過,政府部門使用數碼基建的步伐不一,各部門首長須推動其轄下單位加快採用先進科技,帶頭推動各界善用數碼基建拓展業務。

SCC welcomes the Hong Kong Innovation and Technology (I&T) Development Blueprint promulgated on 22 December 2022 by the Innovation, Technology and Industry Bureau. In particular, SCC supports the Strategy #6 about “accelerate the development of digital economy and smart city to enhance citizens’ quality of life” and hopes various Government departments to take the lead to adopt advanced technologies, and accelerate the development of new digital infrastructure.

SCC supports digital transformation initiatives


SCC welcomes the 2023-24 Budget outlined by the Financial Secretary Paul Chan on 22 February 2023 and supports the initiatives which promote the wider use of “iAM Smart” and expedite the pace of digital transformation.

Welcome to download e-book on Digital Transformation

經濟日報集團旗下e-zone 出版「數碼轉型 . 邁向可持續業務成長」電子書,SCC 是支持單位。歡迎按此免費下載。查詢請電2880 2888 與香港經濟日報聯絡。

e-zone, of HK Economic Times Group, has published an E-book on Digital Transformation. SCC is a supporting organisation. Welcome to download the ebook. For enquiries, please contact HKET at 2880 2888.

STEAM Education Fair 2022

由教育局主辦的「STEAM教育博覽會2022」於2022年11月26日至2023年1月31日線上舉行。是次STEAM教育博覽會透過多元學習活動營造STEAM學習氣氛,發掘和培育具創科潛質的精英,讓具創新科技的學生,有進一步發揮潛能的機會。SCC作為支持機構,提供以空間數據為主題的教學影片。 教育局局長蔡若蓮博士擔任開幕禮主禮嘉賓, SCC副會長馮卓能先生及一眾嘉賓也席開幕禮。

STEAM Education Fair 2022, organised by the Education Bureau with SCC as a supporting organisation, was held on 26 November 2022 – 31 January 2023 online. The Fair aimed to showcase and celebrate a wide range of students’ learning achievements on STEAM-related areas, as well as to provide learning experiences for students to foster their creativity and innovation. As a supporting organization, SCC provided videos about spatial data learning. The Nov 26 opening ceremony was officiated by Secretary for Education Dr Christine Choi, together with SCC Vice President Clement Fung and other VIPs.

奧地利 -香港 科技合作(建造 & 出行)
Austria-HK Technology Collaboration (Construction & Mobility)

ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA HK聯同SCC、建造業議會和商界環保協會於 2022年12 月 5 日至 7 日舉行「奧地利 - 香港科技日」。奧地利駐港總領事Karl Ernst、科技及工業局副局長張曼莉、SCC 會長楊文銳、副會長曾劍鋒博士、及建造業議會和商界環保協會代表出席開幕禮。曾劍鋒博士代表SCC致辭。

香港公司如有興趣跟奧地利的建造和出行科技供應商探討合作,歡迎參加ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA Hong Kong安排的視像會議,報名及查詢請電25222388聯絡 Yvonne Choi/Celistina Pang.ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA HK ( 奧地利商務專員公署) 為SCC MoU 夥伴。

The Austrian-HK Technology Days 2022, organised by ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA Hong Kong, SCC, Construction Industry Council (CIC) and Business Environment Council (BEC) on 5-7 December 2022, facilitated a vivid exchange between Austrian and Hong Kong experts and solutions providers for construction and urban tech. Austrian Consul General Karl Ernst, Under Secretary for ITIB Lilian Cheong, SCC President Gary Yeung and Vice President Ir Dr KF Tsang, and senior representatives of other organisers from CIC and BEC officiated at the opening ceremony. Dr Tsang, on behalf of SCC, delivered remarks at the opening. ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA HK is SCC’s MoU Partner.

Further to the 3-day event, HK companies interested in collaboration with Austrian construction and mobility tech providers are welcome to join video meetings arranged by ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA HK. Please register (choice: remote), or contact Yvonne Choi/Celistina Pang on tel: 25222388 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Asian Financial Forum 2023

SCC副會長秦仲宇出席亞洲金融論壇中「Indonesian Infrastructure Development and Capital City Relocation 」圓桌論壇,與印尼代表分享有關香港智慧城市發展。

SCC Vice President Daniel Chun attended the Roundtable meeting on Indonesian Infrastructure Development and Capital City Relocation at Asian Financial Forum 2023.

3月29至30日 WOW Summit Hong Kong
WOW Summit Hong Kong (March 29-30)

由投資香港和香港旅遊發展局支持的WOW Summit Hong Kong 將於3月29至30日於亞洲國際博覽館舉行。來自世界各地的藝術家將在 NFT 和數字藝術展上展示他們的作品,與會者可了解有關 Web2 到 Web3 過渡以及互聯網的未來、區塊鏈採用、實物資產標記化等熱門話題。SCC為活動支持機構。報名及詳情請瀏覽 .

The WOW Summit Hong Kong, supported by Hong Kong Tourism Board and InvestHK, will be held on March 29-30 at AsiaWorld-Expo. NFT and Metaverse artists, creators and designers will present their masterpieces. Smart City Consortium (SCC) is a supporting organisation of the event. Registration or more details, please visit .

Green PropTech Innovator Challenge 現已接受報名
Open for application - Green PropTech Innovator Challenge

由Hong Kong PropTech Association 及 Y.X Community 聯合主辦、SCC為支持機構的Green PropTech Innovator Challenge 是一個為大專學生及青年初創企業而設的培育計劃。 Green PropTech Innovator Challenge 現已接受報名,報名及詳情請瀏覽 。查詢請致電 8101 2339或電郵 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 與 Y.X Community 聯絡。

Co-organised by Hong Kong PropTech Association and Y.X Community and supported by SCC, the Green PropTech Innovator Challenge is an incubation programme targeting talented higher education students and student-founded early-stage startups. It is now open for application, registration or more details please visit . Enquiry please reach Y.X Community at 8101 2339 or email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Asia Smart App Awards

由香港無線科技商會舉辦、香港特區政府「創意香港」贊助的「亞洲智能應用程式大獎」,嘉獎優質且極具創意的智能應用程式,為來自亞洲各地的程式開發專家們提供一個發光發亮的舞台。SCC為支持機構。詳情請瀏覽 。查詢請電2788 5968 或電郵 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 聯絡香港無線科技商會。

Organised by Hong Kong Wireless Technology Industry Association (WTIA) and sponsored by Create Hong Kong, the “Asia Smart App Awards (ASA) 2022/2023” encourages the development of the expanding smart application industry. SCC is the supporting organisation of the Awards. More details please visit . Enquiries please reach WTIA by 2788 5968 or by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

大灣區STEM卓越獎2023 (香港區)
Greater Bay Area STEM Excellence Award 2023 (HKSAR)

由香港新興科技教育協會(HKNETEA)策動籌辦,SCC為支持機構的2023年大灣區STEM卓越獎(香港區)現正接受報名,題目包括:資訊科技、機器人、科學實驗組、藝術科技、元宇宙及環境、社會、企業管治 (ESG)組別,歡迎大專及中小學學生參與。比賽目的是讓學生於STEM方面發揮創意及提升創新能力;並表揚學生、老師和學校在創科發明上所付出的努力。有興趣參與比賽的同學,請按此瀏覽大會網頁。查詢請聯絡HKNETEA (電話:2869 6603 / 電郵 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )。報名截止日期為3月31日。

To enhance students’ creativity and innovation, and recognise young STEM talents for their efforts, Hong Kong New Emerging Technology Education Association (HKNETEA) organises “The Greater Bay Area STEM Excellence Awards 2023 (HKSAR)” and encourages primary and secondary school students to participate. The Award 2023 (HKSAR) is open for participation. For more details, please click here to visit or reach the association by phone on 2869 6603 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Deadline will be March 31. SCC is a supporting organisation.

Asia Summit on Global Health

The Asia Summit on Global Health (ASGH), an event focused on health innovation and investment in Asia jointly organised by HKSAR Govt and HKTDC, will take place on 17-18 May at HKCEC (pls see above for more details).

SCC Members are offered discounted Standard Pass at USD200/HKD1,560 (Original fee at USD800 / HKD6,240 per head ) which allows access to ASGH physical sessions and exhibition at HKCEC on 17 May; and full access to streaming sessions and virtual exhibition via ASGH Digital Platform on 18 May.

If you are interested, please register online for the discounted pass at on or before 31 March 2023. Pls mark “ 01P50TGSCC “which is the special code offered to SCC.

Please contact Ms Vanessa Wong of HKTDC at Tel: (852) 2584 4302 or via email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Hong Kong Electronics Symposium 2023

由香港工程師學會電子分部主辦的Hong Kong Electronics Symposium 2023 以「Embracing the Innovation & Technology Ecosystem」為主題,將於4月24日假香港科學園舉行。智慧城市聯盟(SCC)為支持機構。

報名請按此。查詢請致電2376 2708或電郵 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 與Ms. Veronica CHENG聯絡。

The Hong Kong Electronics Symposium 2023, themed “Embracing the Innovation & Technology Ecosystem”, will be held on April 24 at Hong Kong Science Park. The symposium aims to promote the benefits of smart city development and how electronics engineering contributes our city in embracing HK’s I&T Ecosystem. The Symposium is organised by The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) Electronics Division and supported by Smart City Consortium.

For registration please click here. Enquiries please contact Ms. Veronica CHENG at (852) 2376 2708 or by E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

大阪國際學生創意獎 2022
International Students Creative Award 2022 (ISCA 2022)

由Knowledge Capital主辦及SCC支持的International Students Creative Award 2022 於1月20至21日舉行。ISCA大阪國際學生創作節是國際藝術與資訊媒體競賽,激發學生的潛力,揮灑青春的才能與創意。得獎作品名單已經揭曉,詳情請瀏覽

International Students Creative Award 2022, organised by Knowledge Capital and supported by SCC, was held on January 20-21. The Award aims to discover and highlight young creative talent in the field of video production and digital contents. Winning Works has been announced, more details please visit .


Best regards,
Smart City Consortium
Please visit SCC website for details of the ‘Smart City’ concept, SCC’s role, vision and mission:
About Smart City Consortium

Smart City Consortium (SCC) is formed by a group of professionals from different corporations and organizations to provide opinions and suggestions to the Government for formulating related policies and standards in the development of Hong Kong as a world-class smart city. We encourage worldwide collaboration with different stakeholders to create the right ecosystem which fosters innovation and sustainable economic growth for Hong Kong.