Wishing you a Healthy and Prosperous Year of the Tiger!
Events Highlight
IES 2022 is Making a Comeback!

互聯網經濟峰會將載譽歸來,於今年4月12-13日於線上平台舉行, 滙聚逾70位環球知名的科技先驅一同解構智慧城市、數據創新、金融科技、人工智能與大數據,以及超越工業4.0等未來趨勢。峰會特設六大專題論壇,就智慧城市科技將如何驅動智慧經濟發展,以至締造前瞻未來的數碼社會等,剖析全球及區域的發展願景。當中包括SCC舉行的智慧城市論壇。
The pandemic has created strong tailwinds for global technology adoption at an unprecedented rate and accelerated the next wave of a smart urban transformation. Over the past challenging year, smart city innovations have emerged as the champion force to power the speedy recovery for economies and communities, reinventing a smarter future for all.
As a continuation of the last edition in 2019, the Internet Economy Summit (IES) is making a comeback. Held entirely online on 12-13 April 2022, IES 2022 will unveil global and regional visions on how smart city technologies will supercharge smart economies as well as accelerate the formation of futureproof digital societies. There will be 6 thematic forums, gathering 70+ world-renowned tech visionaries to decode the future trends in smart city, data innovation, FinTech, AI & big data as well as Industry 4.0 and beyond. Smart City Forum’s on “Smart City Clusters in GBA”, staged by SCC, will be one of the highlights.
Don’t miss out on Asia’s innovation & technology flagship event! Register now to enjoy special rate with buy 2 get 1 FREE: https://ies-register.vootprint.tech/. For more details, please visit IES 2022 Website: https://www.ieconomysummit.hk/en/index。
“Smart City Forum” at IES 2022

智慧城市聯盟(SCC)將於IES 2022首天(4月12日)下午舉行半天「智慧城市論壇」,主題為「粵港澳大灣區智慧城市群」,多位來自海外及本地的政、商、學、研的領袖,將討論多方面的智慧城市科技如何驅動智慧經濟發展;並探討如何抓緊大灣區智慧城市的發展機遇。更多詳情請到IES2022網頁: https://www.ieconomysummit.hk/tc/index。
Smart City Consortium (SCC) will stage a half-day Smart City Forum themed “Smart City Clusters in GBA” on April 12 afternoon. The SCC Forum will look at the latest Hong Kong’s smart city initiatives and international practices, as well as how to capitalize on the opportunities arising from the development of smart city clusters in the GBA. For more details, please visit IES 2022 Website: https://www.ieconomysummit.hk/en/index.
2022 Open GIS Competition

由發展局成立、東華三院和SCC分別作為營運機構和支援組織的「地理空間實驗室」舉辦的「2022 地理信息系統(GIS)應用公開賽」現正接受報名,比賽目的是鼓勵大家探索使用並開發空間數據GIS應用程式。比賽設有高小、初中、高中及公開組共4個組別。 詳情請參閱連結。
The "2022 Open GIS Competition", with an aim to encourage everyone to explore the use of spatial data and develop GIS applications, is open for applications. Organised by the Geospatial Lab (GeoLab), the competition covers 4 different categories, including Senior Primary School Category, Junior Secondary Category, Senior Secondary Category and Open Category. GeoLab is established by the Development Bureau, operated by Tung Wah Group of Hospitals and supported by SCC. For more details, please visit here.

「地理空間實驗室」過去數月舉辦多場工作坊、講座等活動,協助同學和大眾掌握地理空間技術和 知識。其中包括 12 月 18 日由香港大學城市規劃及設計系助教兼研究員黃翹昊先生主持有關 ModelBuilder 的工作坊;另外,香港大學城市規劃及設計系助理教授張嘯虎博士於 1 月 22 日線上主持講堂,講解以 GIS 及相關的空間技術分析城市公共交通和的士及共享出行數據。
「地理空間實驗室」座落於觀塘,配備先進科技及培訓設施,從教育、體驗和實踐三個方面,提升 公眾對空間數據的興趣,共同探索空間數據的價值和應用。詳情請參閱 https://csdigeolab.gov.hk/tc/。
The Geospatial Lab held a number of workshops over the past months, including one on the basic concept of ModelBuilder and its application for various types of urban analysis on 18 December 2021 hosted by Mr. Kenneth Wong from the Department of Urban Planning and Design, the University of Hong Kong.
In addition, an online talk on the application of Geographic Information System (GIS) and spatial analysis in urban public transportation and taxi and shared mobility took place on 22 January 2022. It was hosted by Dr. Zhang Xiaohu, Assistant Professor of Urban Planning and Design, the University of Hong Kong.
Hong Kong Smart City Pavilion at China Hi-Tech Fair

完整展館報告請見 Full pavilion report please see: 中文版Chinese version(按此下載) 、 英文版English version(按此下載)
SCC set up a Hong Kong Smart City Pavilion at the “China Hi-Tech Fair” in Shenzhen on 27-29 December 2021 (and online on 27-31 December 2021) to reinforce Hong Kong’s position as a leading smart city in the region. The technologies/ services of 25 Hong Kong companies in IoT, Information Security and PropTech sectors were presented to mainland users in an area of about 250 sqm.
The opening ceremony of SCC Pavilion took place on December 27, hosted by SCC Honorary Treasurer Sam Fan and officiated by representatives from HKSAR Government Shenzhen office, and industry leaders from Hong Kong and mainland. The SCC pavilion was well covered by both Mainland and HK media and was granted an Excellent Pavilion Award.
The SCC project was funded by Trade and Industrial Organisation Support Fund, Trade and Industry Department. Hong Kong Software Industry Association and Hong Kong Information Technology Joint Council were collaborating organisations.
Smart Living Task Force

Three LegCo Members (Election Committee constituency) - Hon Elizabeth Quat, Ir Hon Chan Siu-hung and Hon Andrew Lam, together with Ir Edmund Leung, Dr Winnie Tang, Mr Thomas Ho and Dr George Lam announced the set up of a Smart Living Task Force on 3 January 2022. Hon Elizabeth Quat and Dr Winnie Tang are SCC’s Founders and Honorary Presidents. Dr George Lam is the Chairman of Cyberport’s Board of Directors.
SCC welcomed comprehensive e‑government audit review

SCC cheers the Government’s measures to encourage the public and private sectors to proactively apply technologies in their operations. It was mentioned in the Budget 2022-23 that a comprehensive e‑government audit in the coming three years would be conducted with the aim of reviewing the progress made by government departments in using technologies. SCC President Gary Yeung believed this would enhance the efficiency of public service provision through the adoption of I&T solutions.
Smarter, sustainable cities highlighted as key focus for Hong Kong

畢馬威中國夥同SCC及12個領先的公營及私營行業參與機構,進行有關智能及可持續城市發展的第4個年度地區性調查發現,隨著新冠肺炎疫情持續,公眾對城市的可持續性愈趨關注及採納更多數碼化服務,令市場增強了對城市智能發展長遠前景的信心。調查訪問了4,096名來自香港以及其他大灣區城市、上海、新加坡、曼谷、吉隆坡和胡志明市的居民。詳情請參閱 連結 。
In partnership with SCC and 12 other leading public and private sector industry players, KPMG China has launched its fourth annual regional survey on smart and sustainable urban development which polled 4,096 residents across Hong Kong and the rest of the Greater Bay Area, Shanghai, Singapore, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur and Ho Chi Minh City. The survey revealed that increased public attention to deliver more sustainable cities as well as the rising adoption of digital services during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic have led to increasingly favourable views of smart city development efforts over the long term. For more details, please visit here. .
Smart Technologies Driving Sustainable Smart Cities

SCC’s Founder and Honorary President Dr Winnie Tang talked about the journey of Hong Kong towards a smart city, particularly how location intelligence facilitates smart planning, at the “Smart Technologies Driving Sustainable Smart Cities” seminar co-organized by HK Institute of Planners and City Gallery on 13 January 2022.

鄧淑明博士1月20日出席機電工程署研討會,與來自建造業及工程界別的專家們一同探討如何推動香港發展成綠色智慧城市。研討會主題為 C0-innovinity,寓意碳中和、創新和無限機遇。鄧博士認為地理資訊系統(GIS)不但能夠推動建造業邁向數碼轉型,更能與建築信息模擬技術數據庫結合,製作三維數碼地圖,成為「空間數據共享平台」其中一個構建元素,為智慧城市規劃提供堅實基礎。
EMSD organized an "EMSD Symposium 2022" on January 20 under the theme "C0-innovinity", inspired by carbon net-zero, innovation and infinite opportunities arising therefrom. Dr Winnie Tang shared her insights with professionals from construction and engineering sectors in the “Green Smart HK” panel session. She pointed out that Geographical Information System (GIS) plays an indispensable role in construction digitalisation. By integrating GIS with Building Information Modeling (BIM), it can facilitate the development of Common Spatial Data Infrastructure (CSDI) and smart city planning.
APEC Workshop on Retro-commissioning (RCx)

Ms Rosana Wong, in her capacity as SCC Vice President and its Chair of Smart Living Committee as well as the Director of Hong Kong Cyberport and its Chair of Construction Facilities Committee, was invited by Environment Bureau and EMSD to serve as a Moderator for the 1st Plenary Session and Discussion of the APEC Workshop cum Training on Retro-commissioning (RCx) on January 20.
The discussion mainly focused on the policy and roadmap for RCx implementation. Speakers provided insights into advancing Net Zero and its policies and guideline development, low energy certifications, carbon neutrality, etc. They also discussed what driving forces and success factors were needed to further the mainstreaming of RCx in different economies. Ms Rosana Wong hopes that all participants can be inspired and learn from each other to explore the energy saving potential not only for Hong Kong, China, but global economies through RCx implementation.
GBA Smart Tourism Forum

SCC副會長及智慧城市學院(SCA)執行總監秦仲宇應邀在2021年12月17日「第2屆大灣區智慧旅遊論壇」講述「智慧城市與旅遊」。論壇由香港理工大學酒店及旅遊業管理學院及其Hospitality and Tourism Research Centre舉辦。
SCC Vice President and Smart City Academy (SCA) Executive Director Mr Daniel Chun was invited to speak in the “2nd Smart Tourism in the Greater Bay Area (GBA) Forum” on “Smart City and Tourism”. The Forum was co-organised by the School of Hotel and Tourism Management (SHTM) of PolyU and its Hospitality and Tourism Research Centre on 17 December 2021.

The Smart Campus Solutions Competition Award Ceremony cum Smart Talk, organised by the Chinese University of Hong Kong, took place on January 20. CUHK’s Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Rocky Tuan delivered welcome address. Chairman of SCC Spatial Data Infrastructure Committee Dr Kenneth Tang spoke on “Smart Campus: An Epitome of Smart City” at the Smart Talk.
Covid-19 Dashboard

互動地圖儀表板Covid-19 Dashboard: here.
To know more about the latest status of the coronavirus including confirmed and suspected cases, and the outbreak-related information such as compulsory testing services, vaccination services, etc, please visit the interactive Covid-19 dashboard. The dashboard was launched by the Development Bureau, Lands Department, the Centre of Health Protection (CHP) and other government units with support from SCC’s volunteer IT team.
“Smart City 4.0”

SCC創辦人兼榮譽會長鄧淑明博士的著作《智慧城市4.0》經已出版,透過各行各業的真實案例分享,向年輕一代演示地理資訊系統(GIS)如何革新我們的生活。書中更彌足珍貴的,是本地9個公私營企業和政府部門 ---- 香港國際機場、土木工程拓展署、環境保護署、食物及衞生局、香港空運貨站、香港電燈、嘉道理農場暨植物園、地政總署和市區重建局分享自身運用空間數據作數碼轉型的寶貴經驗。
歡迎大家免費下載 。 https://winnietang.hk/ebook/SmartCity4.0.pdf.
Dr Winnie Tang had rolled out her new book “Smart City 4.0”, which inspires the younger generation on how GIS can revolutionize our daily living, with case studies of nine public and private organisations, namely Hong Kong International Airport, Civil Engineering and Development Department, Environmental Protection Department, Food and Health Bureau, Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminals, Hongkong Electric, Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden, Lands Department, and Urban Renewal Authority.
Download a copy for free on https://winnietang.hk/ebook/SmartCity4.0.pdf.
SCC Stop Motion Director Competition

由智慧城市聯盟(SCC)主辦的第一屆小小定格動畫創作比賽,由SCC教育科技委員會領導,Prister Academy擔任執行機構。該比賽可助提升小朋友表達技巧及創意思維、訓練其決策能力及團隊協作能力,和加強學生對資訊科技的興趣。
詳情請參閱連結More details please visit: https://bit.ly/3DW6HLi.
The 1st Stop Motion Director Competition will take place in early 2022. Led by SCC EdTech Committee with the Prister Academy as Implementation Organisation, the competition encourages the participation from kindergarten and primary students. SCC President Gary Yeung introduced the competition to school headmasters, teachers and parents at a talk on 15 December 2021. Application deadline is 25 March 2022 and presentation ceremony will take place on April 23.
"Smart People Smart City” radio program – Metro Radio

Ar Ada Fung, President of Hong Kong Alliance of Built Asset & Environment Information Management Associations (HKABAEIMA) talked about built asset and environment information modelling management around a Hong Kong smart city vision at the “Smart People Smart City” Programme of Metro Broadcast. Every Saturday at 11:00 a.m.-12:00 noon on Metro Info (FM99.7), and Sunday at 8:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. on Metro Finance (FM104), the "Smart People Smart City" is joined by experts and professionals to introduce the latest smart city technologies and applications. SCC President Gary Yeung is one of the program hosts.
Best regards,
Smart City Consortium

About Smart City Consortium Smart City Consortium (SCC) is formed by a group of professionals from different corporations and organizations to provide opinions and suggestions to the Government for formulating related policies and standards in the development of Hong Kong as a world-class smart city. We encourage worldwide collaboration with different stakeholders to create the right ecosystem which fosters innovation and sustainable economic growth for Hong Kong. |