Dear SCC Members and Friends,
This e-newsletter provides a glimpse of Smart City Consortium’s events and initiatives over the past quarter. For previous versions of e-newsletters and more details of upcoming events, please visit the following links respectively.
本電子通訊簡介 智慧城市聯盟(SCC)過去數月及介紹未來的活動,歡迎到上述連結瀏覽之前的電子通訊,及了解SCC未來活動詳情。
重點活動回顧 Review of Major Events
曼谷市市長參觀SCC「香港智慧生活展館」@「成就機遇,首選香港」 Bangkok Governor visited SCC “Hong Kong Smart Living Pavilion”@ HKTDC promotion

曼谷市市長Dr Chadchart Sittipunt、中國駐泰國大使韓志強、特區政府商經局局長丘應樺、香港貿發局主席林建岳博士等於7月13日出席貿發局曼谷「成就機遇,首選香港」大型活動。SCC會長楊文銳向參觀「香港智慧生活展館」的曼谷市市長及其他貴賓介紹香港公司的智慧生活科技。
Dr Chadchart Sittipunt, Governor of Bangkok; H.E. Mr. Han Zhiqiang, China’s Ambassador to Thailand; Mr Algernon Yau, Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development of HKSAR Government; and Dr Peter Lam, Chairman of the HKTDC, visited HKTDC “Think Business, Think Hong Kong” in Bangkok on 13 July.
SCC President Gary Yeung introduced HK smart living technologies to the Bangkok Governor and other VIPs at the SCC “Hong Kong Smart Living Pavilion”.
SCC智慧生活館 @曼谷「成就機遇.首選香港」大型推廣活動 SCC Smart Living Pavilion at “Think Business, Think Hong Kong”, Bangkok
貿發局曼谷「成就機遇,首選香港」展覽會於7月13至14日舉行,展示香港作為區內創新中心的無限潛力,活動獲泰國政府和商界領袖熱烈反應,吸引了來自八個東盟地區超過二千個商界訪客,商會及團體參觀。智慧城市聯盟在場內設置「香港智慧生活展館」,展示香港公司的智慧建造科技、機械人泊車系統、智慧樓宇設施檢測系統、室內三維空間管理系統、室內環境智能監察系統、智能家居裝置,和生物毒性測試科技。曼谷「成就機遇,首選香港」是復常後首個海外旗艦香港商貿推廣活動,SCC會長楊文銳表示,大會的組織工作及安排理想,主辦機構在曼谷進行了大範圍宣傳,並邀請曼谷市長等光臨,有助吸引當地商界。最值得高興的是,泰國負責推廣數字經濟和智慧城市發展的機構depa的最高負責人及其團隊都來參觀香港智慧城市展館。楊文銳表示,透過是次到曼谷參展和用家接觸,得悉泰國積極發展數字經濟和智慧城市項目(詳情 請按此),合資格智慧城市項目會獲泰 國政府資助;截至2023年7月共有123份智慧城市提案,當中30個已獲正式申報為“智慧城市”,其餘九十多個内容仍待調校中;這些項目對智慧城市科技有很大需求,SCC會繼續和depa跟進如何引進香港的技術,為香港公司在泰國製造更多商機。 (SCC Pavilion:香港智慧生活館參展商全都在展會收到商務查詢,他們對是次参展表示滿意,有近六成表示是次參展有助他們開拓泰國市場,近六成表示對籌劃未來方向有幫助,超過四成表示有助他們在泰國建立生意夥伴。是次展會為期兩天,超過八成半香港智慧生活館展商表示足夠,另有近一成半公司希望展期長些。所有公司都表示會再參加同類活動。該SCC項目由工業貿易署「工商機構支援基金」撥款資助,香港軟件行業協會和香港資訊科技聯會為合作機構。
SCC mounted a “Hong Kong Smart Living Pavilion” at “Think Business, Think Hong Kong on 13-14 July in Bangkok, introducing HK companies’ Smart Environment Sensing System, Smart Aircon & Fan Circulation, Smart Indoor Mapping & Digital Twins, AI Building Inspection, Smarter Testing, Smart Construction, and AGV Robotic Parking. Organized by the HK Trade Development Council, the two-day event received enthusiastic response from Thai government and business leaders, attracting over 2,000 business visitors from eight ASEAN countries, including their local chambers and associations.
SCC President Gary Yeung expressed satisfaction over the event organization and city-wide promotion. He felt encouraged to receive Governor of Bangkok and head of Digital Economy Promotion Agency of Thailand at the SCC Pavilion. SCC and our exhibitors were excited to learn that Thailand is actively developing digital economy and smart city projects (please click here for details). As of July 2023, a total of 123 smart city proposals had been submitted, and 30 of them have passed the criteria and got the “Smart City Logo” from the government. These projects are badly in need of the latest smart city solutions and technologies. SCC will follow-up with depa to explore how HK technology companies can capture these opportunities. (SCC Pavilion :
Exhibitors of SCC pavilion expressed satisfaction over their participation; all of them received business enquiries on-the-spot. By participating in the two-day event, about 57% of SCC pavilion exhibitors said they could know more about the Thai market, another 57% said they could make a better marketing plan, while 43% of them believed they could establish business contacts there.
86% of SCC pavilion exhibitors found the duration of two-day show appropriate while the rest hoped it could be longer. All exhibitors expressed interest in joining similar events again.
The SCC project is funded by the Trade and Industrial Organisation Support Fund (TSF), while the HK Software Industry Association (HKSiA) and HK Information Technology Joint Council (HKITJC) are Collaborating Organisations.
「香港智慧科技如何提升生活質素」研討會曼谷舉行 Hong Kong Smart City Seminar in Bangkok
SCC staged a seminar on “Smart Solution for Better Lives – How Hong Kong’s Smart Living Technologies Improve Quality of Life” in Bangkok on 13 July. SCC President Gary Yeung introduced Hong Kong’s latest development in smart city technologies and services, while highlighting its crucial role in GBA development to the Thai audience.
“Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material/event (or by members of the project team) do not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region or the Vetting Committee of the Trade and Industrial Organisation Support Fund.”
香港智慧城市代表團訪問曼谷 Hong Kong Smart City Delegation to Bangkok

智慧城市聯盟會長楊文銳率領的「香港智慧城市代表團」於7月13-14日訪問曼谷。代表團參觀泰國多個智慧城市項目及園區,包括剛開發的泰國數字科技及創新園區Thailand Digital Valley、KMITL大學園區內用以輔助醫學及工程等教學的「數字互動中心」、及泰國由原來的運輸系統大幅邁向智慧城市網絡的鐵路及有關配套規劃等。
SCC organized a Hong Kong Smart City Delegation to Bangkok on 13-14 July to learn more about the potential of the Thai market. The delegation members were told that Thailand is actively developing smart city projects.
合作備忘錄推廣香港/泰國智慧城市合作 MoU to promote HK/Thai smart city collaboration
由泰國政府安排成立促進泰國數字經濟和智慧城市發展的機構Digital Economy Promotion Agency (depa) 會長兼行政總裁 Dr. Nuttapon Nimmanphatcharin,於7月13日與SCC會長楊文銳在貿發局的協助安排下簽署合作備忘錄 。雙方將加強聯繫,推廣兩地在智慧城市的合作。
Dr. Nuttapon Nimmanphatcharin, President and CEO of Thailand’s Digital Economy Promotion Agency (depa) and Mr Gary Yeung, President of SCC, signed a memorandum of understanding on 13 July to enhance smart city collaboration through a series of follow-up activities.
香港皖魯科創考察團 LegCo Members’ visit to Hefei and Qingdao
Hon Elizabeth Quat, SCC’s Founder and Honorary President, and four other Legislative Council Members with I&T background - Hon Duncan Chiu, Dr Hon Johnny Ng, Hon Hailong Sheng and Prof Hon Wong Kam Fei, visited Hefei and Qingdao on 18-23 July to learn about the latest I&T development of these two cities.
大灣區內地城市職務訪問 Duty visit to GBA cities
The delegation of the Legislative Council Panel on Environmental Affairs and the delegation of the Environment and Ecology Bureau conducted a duty visit to Guangzhou, Foshan, Shenzhen and Daya Bay of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area from 7-9 August, to learn about the latest development of these Mainland cities in areas such as adoption of new energy transport, clean energy and renewable energy, and technologies for turning waste to energy/resources.
The Panel on Environmental Affairs' delegation was led by the Chairman of the Panel Hon Elizabeth Quat. The Environment and Ecology Bureau's delegation was led by the Secretary for Environment and Ecology Tse Chin-wan.
「數據分析」講堂 Data Analytics Trainings
SCC organised a data analytics training seminar on “Maximizing the Value in Customer Data” on 17 May with another one about “Preparation of Quality Data for Effective Data modelling” on 16 June. The project is funded by Innovation and Technology Commission General Support Programme and sponsored by E-Commerce Association of HK.
"Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material/event (or by members of the project team) do not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Innovation and Technology Commission or the General Support Programme Vetting Committee of the Innovation and Technology Fund."
地理空間資訊專業講堂x工作坊 Professional Geospatial Talk x Workshop
由發展局成立,東華三院和智慧城市聯盟分別作為營運機構和支援組織的「地理空間實驗室」(GeoLab) 在過去一季舉辦過的活動包括:
- 「開放源碼地理信息系統 (GIS) 簡介」專業講堂(6月10日)
- 「開放源碼地理信息系統」工作坊(6 月17日)
- 「讓空間數據說話:識別熱島效應」 工作坊(7月22日)
Established by the Development Bureau, operated by Tung Wah Group of Hospitals and supported by SCC, the GeoLab organised “Introduction to Open-sourced Geographic Information System” Professional Talk and Workshop respectively on 10 and 17 June. Dr Kenneth Tang, Adjunct Associate Professor of HKU’s Department of Urban Planning and Design, was one of the guest lecturers of the Professional Talk. Another GeoLab workshop titled “Let the Spatial Data Talk: Identify Urban Heat Island Effect” took place on 22 July.
空間數據共享平台大獎 2023 CSDI Awards 2023

因應政府推出空間數據共享平台(CSDI)入門網站,「地理空間實驗室」舉辦CSDI大獎比賽,以ESG(環境、社會及管治) 爲主題,分高小、初中、高中,以及公開組4組,收到大量優秀參賽作品,於7月最後一個週末週日舉行匯報日暨頒獎典禮。
The GeoLab has launched the CSDI Awards 2023 with an aim to promote CSDI and encourage students and individuals from the public to make creative use of spatial data to address challenges faced by the city. The Presentation Day and Awards Ceremony of the Awards took place during the last weekend of July.
Permanent Secretary for Development (Planning & Lands) Doris Ho, SCC President Gary Yeung and TWGHs Vice Chairman Jonathan Ng delivered remarks and presented awards to winners of the Open Category on 30 July.
“創新引領·高質量發展” 川港創新發展主題論壇 Sichuan/Hong Kong Forum on Innovation & Technology
由香港貿易發展局和四川省香港商會主辦,以“創新引領·高質量發展”為主題的“川港創新發展主題論壇” 於8月1日在成都舉行。特區行政長官李家超視頻致辭,前任行政長官林鄭月娥親身出席。四川省科技廳和特區政府駐成都經濟貿易辦事處等為支持單位。
At the invitation of HKTDC, SCC Gary Yeung shared his views on “Digital Transformation” at a Sichuan/Hong Kong Innovation Forum held on 1 August in Chengdu. Chief Executive John Lee and Under Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry Lillian Cheong delivered speech online, while senior representatives from Sichuan Science and Technology Bureau, HK PolyU, HK Airport Authority, HKMTR and SenseTime also spoke at the forum. Former Chief Executive Carrie Lam also attended the event.
經濟通「2023中小企智創營商大獎」 Intelligent and Innovative SME Business Awards 2023
Dr Winnie Tang, SCC’s Founder and Honorary President, was the Head of Judge of the Intelligent and Innovative SME Business Awards 2023. The Award Presentation Ceremony took place on 14 June. The event was organised by ETnet with SCC as one of the supporting organisations.
綠色地產創科挑戰賽2023 Green PropTech Innovator Challenge 2023
由共享網絡Y.X Community 與香港房地產科技協會創辦的「綠色地產創科挑戰賽2023」於7月25日舉行頒獎典禮;SCC 是挑戰賽的支持機構。
Dr Winnie Tang, SCC’s Founder and Honorary President, was one of the Judges of the Green PropTech Innovator Challenge 2023. Co-organized by Y.X Community and Hong Kong PropTech Association, the Green PropTech Innovator Challenge is Hong Kong's biggest PropTech competition. The Award Presentation Ceremony took place on 25 July.
世界人工智能大會2023 2023 World AI City Forum, Shanghai

SCC會長楊文銳於7月8日在上海舉行的世界人工智能大會的一個論壇上視像發言。上海已連續第六年舉辦世界人工智能大會,本屆大會的主題是 “智聯世界 生成未來”。
SCC President Gary Yeung delivered remarks online at a forum of the 2023 World AI Conference held on 8 July in Shanghai.
BUSINESS GOVirtual 展覽及會議2023 BUSINESS GOVirtual Expo and Conference 2023
SCC副會長秦仲宇和SCC金融科技委員會主席陳家豪在「BUSINESS GOVirtual展覽及會議 2023」分别於7月14日和7月13日,分享對「智慧城市」和「金融科技」的看法。
SCC Vice President Daniel Chun and SCC FinTech Committee Chairman Emil Chan shared views respectively on “Smart City” on July 14 and “FinTech” on 13 July at“BUSINESS GOVirtual Expo and Conference 2023”.
未來活動,歡迎參與 Upcoming Activities
【歡迎報名參加】「以數據集進行機器學習和案例研究」講堂 Data Analytics Trainings (25 August and 13 October)
為協助各行業利用數據分析提升生產力及機器學習的重要性,智慧城市聯盟將於8月25日下午4至6時於中環皇后大道中99號中環中心地下 H6 CONET 舉辦 「大數據與機器學習現成工具及算法的使用」講堂,報名請瀏覽;另一課「數據可視化和解釋簡介」講堂,報名請瀏覽 將於10月13日舉行。
SCC’s Data Analytics Training on “Big Data and Usage of Off-the-shelf tools and Algorithms” will be held on August 25 at 4-6 p.m. Please click for registration. Another one on "An introduction to data visualization and interpretation" will take place on 13 October at 4-6 p.m. Please click for registration.
Registration is free of charge, first-come-first-served. Please reach SCC Secretariat (Tel: 3480 4230; email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) for enquiries. The training is funded by Innovation and Technology Commission General Support Programme and sponsored by E-Commerce Association of HK.
"Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material/event (or by members of the project team) do not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Innovation and Technology Commission or the General Support Programme Vetting Committee of the Innovation and Technology Fund."
「免參展費 – 立即報名參加中國高交會「香港智慧城市館」 Join HK Smart City Pavilion at China Hi-Tech Fair (15-19 November)
SCC 將於2023年11月15至19日在深圳會展中心舉行的「中國國際高新技術成果交易會」(高交會) 設置「香港智慧城市展館」(香港館),主題是「智慧生活」,介紹香港公司的「智慧生活」科技。歡迎本港企業參加,免收場租及參展費。
香港館詳情請見;高交會詳情請按。 有興趣的香港公司請於8月25日前登入提交資料。查詢請電3480 4230電郵至 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.與SCC秘書處聯絡。
SCC is to promote Hong Kong’s smart living technologies to mainland officials and enterprises by mounting a "Hong Kong Smart City Pavilion" at China Hi-Tech Fair in Shenzhen, which will be held on 15-19 November 2023. Hong Kong companies with smart living technologies are welcome to apply for participation. Successful participants will enjoy free rental and construction cost.
Organised by Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, State Intellectual Property Office, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of Engineering and Shenzhen Municipal People's Government, the Expo will take place in Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Centre.
This project is funded by the Trade and Industrial Organisation Support Fund of the Trade and Industry Department, HKSAR Government. HK Information Technology Joint Council and HK Software Industry Association are the collaborating organizations.
About Hong Kong Pavilion please visit ; For more details about China Hi-Tech Fair, please click To apply for participation to SCC pavilion, please visit register before August 25; for enquiries, please contact Mr Ip or Ms Chan at SCC Secretariat on 3480 4230 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
“Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material/event (or by members of the project team) do not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region or the Vetting Committee of the Trade and Industrial Organisation Support Fund.”
地理空間實驗室 Geo-STEAM活動 Geo-STEAM 2023(21 August and 2 September)
The GeoLab was established by the Development Bureau, operated by Tung Wah Group of Hospitals and supported by SCC. There will be an “Introduction to Geographic Information System (GIS) and GIS Workshop” on 21 August to provide hands-on practice to Secondary students on how to apply spatial data and GIS in different subjects, including science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics, while the Presentation Day will take place on 2 September morning. For more details and registration, please visit h
泰國曼谷 "DigiTech ASEAN 2023"香港展館 Thailand’s DigiTech ASEAN 2023
香港軟件行業協會舉辦的 "DigiTech ASEAN 2023"香港展館於11月22-24日在泰國曼谷舉行。SCC是活動合作機構。詳情請查看。
HKSiA will organise a HK Pavilion@ Thailand's DigiTech ASEAN 2023 in Thailand IMPACT Exhibition Center on 22-24 Nov. SCC is a collaborating organisation. For more details or registration, please visit:
「如何走進泰國資訊科技市場」線上座談會 HKSiA “How to Enter Thailand IT Market online seminar”
HKSiA will organise 'How to Enter Thailand IT Market online seminar' via Zoom on 31 Aug. SCC is a collaborating organisation. For more details or registration, please click here.
全球智慧城市峰會暨國際城市信息學大會 Global Smart Cities Summit cum Intl Conference on Urban Informatics
由國際城市信息學會及潘樂陶慈善基金智慧城市研究院主辦的「全球智慧城市峰會暨第三屆國際城市信息學大會」(GSCS & ICUI 2023)將於2023年8月20-23日在香港理工大學舉行。誠邀您與過百位主講嘉賓、業界專家、學界翹楚、研究人員和其他友好夥伴參與,共同探討未來智慧城市發展,以及城市信息學理論與技術創新。SCC是活動支持機構。詳情請查看。
The Global Smart Cities Summit (GSCS 2023) cum The 3rd International Conference on Urban Informatics (ICUI 2023) will be held in Hong Kong on 20 - 23 August 2023 in PolyU. SCC is a supporting organisation of the event. For more details or registration, please visit:
香港電腦通訊節2023 HK Computer & Communications Festival 2023
Hong Kong Computer & Communications Festival will be held in HKCEC on 25-28 August. SCC is a supporting organisation. For more details, please visit:
香港綠色建築週 2023 Hong Kong Green Building Week 2023
香港建造業議會和香港綠色建造議會將於9月23-29日舉辦香港綠色建築週,而the Biz-Green Dress Day (輕‧型上班日)將於9月6日舉行。SCC是活動支持機構。詳情請按此。
The Construction Industry Council (CIC) and the Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) will organise The Hong Kong Green Building Week (HKGBW) on 23-29 Sep, in particular the Biz-Green Dress Day (輕‧型上班日) will be held on 6 Sep. SCC is a supporting organisation of the event. For more details or registration, please click here.
香港國際生物科技展 2023 BIOHK2023
Hong Kong International Biotechnology Convention will be held in HKCEC on 13-16 Sep. SCC is a supporting organisation of the event. For more details or registration, please visit
「創客中國」國際中小企業創新創業大賽 - 香港分站賽 2023 “Maker in China”SME Innovation and Entrepreneurship Global Contest-Hong Kong Chapter
「創客中國」國際中小企業創新創業大賽 – 香港分站賽於9月13日在香港舉行,由國家工業和信息化部中國中小企業發展促進中心、香港特別行政區政府政府資訊科技總監辦公室及中央人民政府駐香港特別行政區聯絡辦公室青年工作部聯合主辦。SCC是活動支持機構。 詳情請查看 。
The 2023 “Maker in China” SME Innovation and Entrepreneurship Global Contest - Hong Kong Chapter Competition will be held in Hong Kong on 13 September. SCC is a supporting organisation. For more details or registration, please visit
健康同行夥伴大獎 2023 Health Partnership Awards 2023
The "Health Partnership Awards 2023" organise by ETNet is planned to be held in Hong Kong in September or early October. SCC is a supporting organisation of the event. For more details or registration, please visit
香港測量師學會年度會議 2023 HKIS Annual Conference 2023- “Exploring Infinity with Our Expertise for An Age-friendly Future”
香港測量師學會將於9月6日在香港麗思卡爾頓酒店舉行2023年年度會議,主題是“Exploring Infinity with Our Expertise for An Age-friendly Future”。SCC是活動支持機構。詳情請按此。
The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors will organise the HKIS Annual Conference 2023 in The Ritz-Carlton on 9 Sep, the theme is “Exploring Infinity with Our Expertise for An Age-friendly Future”. SCC is a supporting organisation. For more details or registration, please click here.
香港測量師學會 土地測量組年度會議 HKIS Land Surveying Division Annual Conference 2023- “Connecting the City with Geospatial Intelligence”
香港測量師學會土地測量組將於10月14日在富豪香港酒店舉行2023年年度會議,主題是"Connecting the City with Geospatial Intelligence"。SCC是活動支持機構。詳情請按此。
The Land Surveying Division of the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors will organise the Annual Conference 2023 in Regal Hong Kong Hotel on 14 Oct, the theme is "Connecting the City with Geospatial Intelligence". SCC is a supporting organisation. For more details or registration, please click here.
香港銀行家峰會 2023 HKIB Annual Banking Conference 2023
HKIB Annual Banking Conference with the theme “Transforming Finance in an Uncertain Landscape” will be held in HKCEC on 26 Sep. SCC is a supporting organisation of the event. For more details or registration, please visit:
香港零售科技創新大獎2023 Retail innovation Award 2023
Hong Kong Retail Technology Industry Association will organise the Retail Innovation Award 2023. The registration deadline is 29 Sep. SCC is a supporting organisation. For more details or registration, please visit:
香港傑出大學生財務策劃師比賽2023 HK Undergraduate Financial Planners of the Year Award 2023
The Society of Registered Financial Planners (HKRFP) will organise the Hong Kong Undergraduate Financial Planners of the Year Award 2023. The workshop by Webinar will be held on 16 Sep. SCC is a Supporting Organisation. For more details or registration, please visit:
創新科技論壇 2023 Symposium on Innovation & Technology 2023
The Symposium on Innovation & Technology 2023 organized by HKETA and HKTDC will take place on 13 Oct on The Theatre, HKCEC. The Theme is “Unlocking Possibilities: Harnessing AI for Innovation in Consumer Electronics” For more details or registration, please visit:
亞洲商業科技展2023 Revive Tech Asia 2023
The Revive Tech Asia 2023 will take place on 18-19 Oct on the Sky100 ICC. SCC is a supporting organisation of the event. For more details or registration, please visit:
Best regards, Smart City Consortium
Please visit SCC website for details of the ‘Smart City’ concept, SCC’s role, vision and mission: |
About Smart City Consortium Smart City Consortium (SCC) is formed by a group of professionals from different corporations and organizations to provide opinions and suggestions to the Government for formulating related policies and standards in the development of Hong Kong as a world-class smart city. We encourage worldwide collaboration with different stakeholders to create the right ecosystem which fosters innovation and sustainable economic growth for Hong Kong. |