智慧城市聯盟副會長黃慧敏小姐於9月6日受邀參與由經濟學人主辦的「2018亞洲創新峰會:建設智能公司」活動。在「未來的聲音:2050年的人工智能」論壇中,她與商業領袖們一起討論如何利用人工智能來建立公司的潛力。Ms. Rosana Wong, Vice President of SCC, was invited to attend “Innovation Summit Asia 2018: Building the intelligent company”, which was hosted by The Economist, on 6th September. In the...
關伯明博士於9月4至7日代表智慧城市聯盟,參與香港貿易發展局的「建設未來」香港基建及房地產代表團到吉隆坡考察,與馬來西亞投資發展局的政府官員交流,並在昨天早上就利用大數據發展智能城市發表演講。 Dr. Peter Kwan is representing SCC to participate in HKTDC delegation of “Building For The Future” Campaign to promote Hong Kong Infrastructure and Real Estate-related Services Mission to Kuala Lumpur,...