【測量師學會論壇 暨「智慧城市藍圖2.0建議書」呈交儀式】【 “Smart City as Professional Service” Conference by HKIS /SCC】

SCC 與香港測量師學會(HKIS) 去年簽署合作備忘錄。HKIS將於2月21日聯同SCC舉辦論壇,討論智慧城市專業服務,大會邀請政府資訊科技總監林偉喬先生擔任主禮嘉賓並致辭, SCC 空間數據基礎設施委員會主席鄧肇星 博士及多個國家的專家將出席發言。
同場並舉行儀式,SCC 將於會上向政府資訊科技總監呈交「香港智慧城市藍圖2.0」建議書。
歡迎參加,SCC會員將享有香港測量師學會會員折扣。詳情於稍後在SCC 及香港測量師學會網頁公布。
A full day conference titled "Smart City as a Professional Service" will be organised by the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (HKIS) in conjunction with SCC on Feb 21, following a MOU signed by SCC and HKIS last year.
Mr. Victor Lam, Government Chief Information Officer, will be invited to be the Guest of Honour and make a keynote speech there. Dr Kenneth Tang, Chairman of SCC’s SDI Committee, and prominent experts from various countries will share their opinions and insights on smart city service at the conference.
Taking the chance, there will be a presentation ceremony at which SCC will present an advisory paper on Smart City Blueprint 2.0 to Mr Victor Lam.
More details of the conference will be available on the websites of SCC and HKIS. SCC members will enjoy the discount offered to HKIS members.