【法國商會「構建香港未來智慧城市」研討會】【 Breakfast Seminar on “Building Tomorrow’s Smart City”】

法國商會將於1月16日舉行早餐研討會,就智慧城市發展聽取意見。 參加討論的嘉賓包括政府資訊科技總監辦公室副政府資訊科技總監黃志光先生及 SCC副會長曾劍鋒博士。詳情請參閱https://www.fccihk.com/calendar/events/building-tomorrow-s-smart-city-what-learn-innovative-collaboration/50471或本通訊最後部份。
The French Chamber in Hong Kong, along with the Sustainable City Task Force of the MEDEF, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with SCC last year to promote cooperation between France and HK on topics related to Smart City.
Following this the French Chamber will stage seminar gathering leading actors across the Smart City ecosystem in HK to share insights and prepare the ground for the HKSAR Government's next Smart City Blueprint. Details are as follows:
Date: 16 Jan 2020 (Thursday)
Time: 8:30-10:00 a.m. Venue: KPMG, 8/F Prince’s Building, 10 Chater Road, Central SCC Members and French Chamber
Members : HK$180
Non-members:HK$280 ;
Enquiries and registration: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For more details, please visit https://www.fccihk.com/calendar/events/building-tomorrow-s-smart-city-what-learn-innovative-collaboration/50471 or see the last page of this update.
Programme: l José-Michael Chenu, Director of Strategic Marketing and Urban Development, VINCI, as keynote speaker.
Panel conversation :
1. Tony Wong, Deputy Government Chief Information Officer, OGCIO
2. Dr KF Tsang, Vice President of SCC, Chairman of SCC's IoT Committee
3. Hugues Parant, Prefect, CEO, Euroméditerranée
4. Yoann El Jaouhari, Managing Director Hong Kong and Macau, JCDecaux Cityscape
Moderated by Marcos Chow, Partner, Head of Technology Enablement, KPMG