【招標邀請:智能回收車隊路線及稱重系統】【Tender Invitation:Smart Routing and Weighing System for Recycling of Solid Waste】
為推動回收行業的可持續發展,以提高營運自動化和效率。SCC 獲政府回收基金資助,為回收行業設計一套IT解決方案,及利用智能化技術試行一套固體廢物回收及運輸運作模式,以提高營運自動化和效率,減低成本,推動回收行業的可持續發展。香港品質保證局 (HKQAA) 為這個項目的執行單位。
SCC 將就有關智能系統的建立服務進行招標,招標文件詳細列明此智能系統之要求、甄選準則及是次投標的須知事項。有意投標人士請瀏覽SCC項目專頁。
Press Release
As funded by the Environmental Protection Department’s Recycling Fund, SCC is to develop a model for the solid waste collection and transport by making use of geo-informatics solutions. Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency (HKQAA) has been appointed the implementation agent of this project.
A Routine Optimization System with Route Optimization Trial and Smart Weighing Trial will be designed so as to achieve operation efficiency and cost saving. SCC invites tender for the above service. For detailed information about the tender invitation, please refer to the SCC project website for more tendering details.