【Inter-school AI Formula Edge Competition】【校際人工智能E-級方程式賽車比賽】
Inter-school AI Formula Edge Competition
Fact Sheet 詳情
Date: 10-12 December 2021
Venue: Hall 5 at Asia World Expo (*final hall number might change closer to the event date)
Organiser主辦機構: Smart City Consortium
Smart City Consortium (SCC) is formed by a group of professionals from different corporations and organizations to provide opinions and suggestions to the Government for formulating related policies and standards in the development of Hong Kong as a world-class smart city.
Operator 承辦機構: STEM Plus Limited
The STEM Plus Limited is an experienced event organizer and a supplier of STEM products and solutions.
Registration/more information 參賽/了解更多: http://www.formulaedge.org
Why AI?
To the general public, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is complicated and impossible to understand. However, it’s an approach to managing and processing data; it’s rooted in engineering; a way of problem-solving and designing solutions in an entirely new way.
Why Formula-Edge?
Edge computing is computing that’s done at or near the source of the data, without the need of subscribing to a public cloud, reducing overall entry barrier to learn and apply the latest AI technology, making it more approachable to teachers and students.
Why self-driving cars?
Amid the idea of a self-driving car is actively studied and tested for use on the road, with many open-source software, powerful single boards computers (which are well known to school) and machine learning tools available on the market, it becomes easier for teachers and students to create a self-driving vehicle.
Motivate students to learn the latest AI technology without the need of expensive equipment via constructing such a car on a small scale using parts and software that are accessible to anyone on an affordable budget.
Expected outcome:
• Build up participants’ skills in coding, robotics and AI model building
• Strengthen participants’ skills in team building and critical thinking
• Serve as a simple testbed for different ideas in self-driving vehicles
Target Participants: P6 students or above in Hong Kong
Targeted number of participating schools: 20 to 50
Participation fee: HK$800 per team. One School can register multiple teams.
Venue size of the Competition: ~1,000 to 1,500sqm. Total Venue size ~3900sqm
Competition hours: 10:00 to 17:00 on 10-12 December 2021
Expected number of visitors: ~6000
Admission fee: HK$20 for students
HK$80 for adults
Details of the participating rules and panel judges:
• High school students in Hong Kong. There is no age limit.
- Our recommendation is 12 to 17, we welcome younger student to join as well.
• Registration as individual or team (2 to 4 persons per team).
• Each team/individual should have at last one laptop to work with the autonomous car.
- The laptop can be running in Linux, MacOS or Windows
Car Requirement
• The car is required to be assemble mechanically.
• Motors have to be all-electric; no combustion engines.
• Learn how to program the JetBot, JetRacer with python to implement autonomous vehicle algorithms similar to those used by real- world self-driving car.
• The car must be running using an AI-trained model, the organiser reserve the right to review the AI-model build by the team, team will get disqualify if the car is running without an AI-model.
• The car is required to run autonomously on the track. No gamepad or other intervention is allowed during the race.
Jetbot and JetRacer
• The max. width of the jetbot must be < 200mm.
• Batteries must be firmly attached with velcro or other straps so they can’t come loose during the race.
• Cars up to 1/10 scale.
• Batteries must be firmly attached with velcro or other straps so they can’t come loose during the race.
• Only on-board computing is allowed (on the Nvidia Jetson Nano mainboard)
• There are no rules governing how to implement the driving algorithm and code.
• Compete in the STEM Exhibition - SCC Formula -Edge Challenge to be held on 10-12 Dec 2021 at Asia World Expo Hong Kong
• Participate in surveys to measure the impact on student’s interest in STEM fields.
• (Optional) Teachers can choose to participate as a joint author in a paper documenting the impact of this program.
• This competition is an extension of the Nvidia JetRacer Racing competition – an MIT university-level competition where teams of undergraduate and graduate students program a Jetson Nano to follow a track autonomously. We are adapting this competition to high school level students and motivate them to the interest of STEM and AI. These students can choose tools developed by Nvidia or choose any other community, open source materials available online.
Worry it’s too difficult?
• Don’t worry! There are many available resources online. Students and Teachers are encourage to use any readily available code/framework online.
• We won’t check the DNA of the source code! The most important is that student can learn AI through these open source materials
• You can choose to build something entirely new OR customise based on the open source material OR just follow the instructions provide on the website and build the car step-by-step!
• Should student find it too difficult, students/teachers can contact our technical support team or one of our training partners.
• There are tonnes of information online, the best place to start will be www.jetbot.org or https://github.com/NVIDIA-AI-IOT/jetracer
There might be obstacles fixed on the track, the obstacles are with colours, but the colours of the obstacles will be random. Touching these obstacles will impact on your end results, should the car got stuck with the obstacle, a reset operation will then be needed.

• Each team/individual will allow a dedicated time-slot to do practice on the actual race track
• FP session might extend to the afternoon.
• Qualifying Session
• To determine the overall ranking.
• Each QS require to run solely for 5 laps in each session and time will be recorded.
• The time require to finish 5 laps will be counted to determine the ranking.
• A point system will be use to determine the final ranking.

• Points are awarded to teams based on where they finish in a race. The winner receives 25 points, the 2nd -place finishers 18 points and so on.
• One additional point is awarded with the team who have the fastest lap

Main Race
• Above is an example for the Main race.
• The number in the box indicates the ranking of the QS i.e. total points of QS1+QS2.
• It’s conducted in knock-out format, the above examples shows 3 rounds with a total of 8 teams.
• Two cars on the track will race at the same time, running SIX continuous laps.
Reset operation imposes a 2-second penalty. If the car gets stuck on a corner or turn over, the judge needs to reset the car to the track.
If 2 cars hit together and got stuck, both teams will be imposed a 2-second penalty after reset.
Crashing on the fence will disqualified for that race and put on the last place. The judge is the final decision maker.
The rules and regulations of the competition might change, organiser will update all participants regularly.
Concurrent event:
Held in conjunction with the competition is a STEM Xmas Exhibition organized by STEM Plus Limited on an area of ~2400 to 2900 sqm. It is expected that about 30 suppliers of STEM products and courses provider will showcase and introduce their latest STEM solutions to schools as well as general public.