【地理空間實驗室正式開幕】【Geospatial Lab is officially opened】

另外,由地理空間實驗室主辦的第四場地理空間資訊專業講堂 ──「運用空間數據作地理應用」亦於同日順利舉行。
Geospatial Lab Website 地理空間實驗室網站: https://csdigeolab.gov.hk/tc/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/geospatial_lab_hk/
Good news. The Geospatial Lab in Kwun Tong was officially opened on July 15.
The purpose of establishing the lab is to create a geospatial community and enhance the public's awareness, especially for the young generation and start-ups including application developers.
Members of the public are welcome to visit.
We provide professional GIS computer equipment and consulting services (requires advance booking) As well as, seminars, lectures, and workshops will also be held regularly to share the latest information about spatial data. Hope to see you in our community soon There will be CSDI related introduction videos and showcases, visitors can understand more about the development of CSDI in Hong Kong.
Also, the third Professional Geospatial talk, named “Applying Spatial Data for Geospatial Applications” was held.
Dr Kenneth Tang, former President of HKGISA, and Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Urban Planning and Design, University of Hong Kong, and Dr Paulina Wong, Hon. Secretary of HKGISA and Assistant Professor, Science Unit, Lingnan University were the lecturers.
The talk explained functions and approaches of Geographic Information System (GIS) software, participants had the opportunity to integrate the existing spatial data into GIS software with further analytical procedures.
The four modules of professional geospatial talks were conducted. The Geospatial Lab will continue to provide more public engagement activities in the future, to share the latest information about spatial data. Stay tuned for more updates.
“Geospatial Lab” is established by the Development Bureau, operated by Tung Wah Group of Hospitals and supported by Smart City Consortium (SCC).