SCC將組織「香港智慧城市代表團」於7月13至14日訪問曼谷,了解當地的智慧城市發展情況及業務合作機會,參觀曼谷多個智慧城市項目,及出席香港貿發局「成就機遇.首選香港」大型活動,與當地政府和商界會面。參加費每位港幣1,200 元,有興趣人士請於6月5日或以前填妥申請表報名。查詢請電34804230或電郵至 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 與SCC秘書處葉先生或陳小姐聯絡。
請按此下載 「智慧城市聯盟訪問曼谷代表團」報名表格
請按此下載 「智慧城市聯盟訪問曼谷代表團」行程
SCC will organize a Hong Kong Smart City Delegation to Bangkok on July 13-14 with an aim to know more about the smart city development in Thailand and business collaboration opportunities there.
The delegation will visit a number of smart city projects in Bangkok and attend HKTDC's “Think Business, Think Hong Kong” signature promotion and network with Thai businessmen and users there. Participation fee is at HK$1,200 per person, covering one-day coach transport and lunch arrangement on July 14.
For registration, please submit the application form on or before June 5. For enquiries, pls call Mr Ip or Ms Chan at SCC Secretariat on 34804230 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Please click here to download the "SCC Delegation to Bangkok" application form.
Please click here to download the "SCC Delegation to Bangkok" agenda.