曼谷「成就機遇,首選香港」是復常後首個海外旗艦香港商貿推廣活動,SCC會長楊文銳表示,大會的組織工作及安排理想,主辦機構在曼谷進行了大範圍宣傳,並邀請曼谷市長等光臨,有助吸引當地商界。最值得高興的是,泰國負責推廣數字經濟和智慧城市發展的機構depa的最高負責人及其團隊都來參觀香港智慧城市展館。楊文銳表示,透過是次到曼谷參展和用家接觸,得悉泰國積極發展數字經濟和智慧城市項目(詳情 請按此),合資格智慧城市項目會獲泰 國政府資助;截至2023年7月共有123份智慧城市提案,當中30個已獲正式申報為“智慧城市”,其餘九十多個内容仍待調校中;這些項目對智慧城市科技有很大需求,SCC會繼續和depa跟進如何引進香港的技術,為香港公司在泰國製造更多商機。
SCC mounted a “Hong Kong Smart Living Pavilion” at “Think Business, Think Hong Kong on 13-14 July in Bangkok, introducing HK companies’ Smart Environment Sensing System, Smart Aircon & Fan Circulation, Smart Indoor Mapping & Digital Twins, AI Building Inspection, Smarter Testing, Smart Construction, and AGV Robotic Parking. Organized by the HK Trade Development Council, the two-day event received enthusiastic response from Thai government and business leaders, attracting over 2,000 business visitors from eight ASEAN countries, including their local chambers and associations.
SCC President Gary Yeung expressed satisfaction over the event organization and city-wide promotion. He felt encouraged to receive Governor of Bangkok and head of Digital Economy Promotion Agency of Thailand at the SCC Pavilion. SCC and our exhibitors were excited to learn that Thailand is actively developing digital economy and smart city projects (please click here for details). As of July 2023, a total of 123 smart city proposals had been submitted, and 30 of them have passed the criteria and got the “Smart City Logo” from the government. These projects are badly in need of the latest smart city solutions and technologies. SCC will follow-up with depa to explore how HK technology companies can capture these opportunities.
Exhibitors of SCC pavilion expressed satisfaction over their participation; all of them received business enquiries on-the-spot. By participating in the two-day event, about 57% of SCC pavilion exhibitors said they could know more about the Thai market, another 57% said they could make a better marketing plan, while 43% of them believed they could establish business contacts there.
86% of SCC pavilion exhibitors found the duration of two-day show appropriate while the rest hoped it could be longer. All exhibitors expressed interest in joining similar events again.
The SCC project is funded by the Trade and Industrial Organisation Support Fund (TSF), while the HK Software Industry Association (HKSiA) and HK Information Technology Joint Council (HKITJC) are Collaborating Organisations.