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新聞稿 — 香港國際創科展「SCC智慧生活展館」 展出融入生活的最新科技


(2024 年 4月11日) 智慧城市聯盟(SCC)會長楊文銳表示,隨著人工智慧(AI)發展,智慧城市各方面的應用將會更加「落地」, 他預料短時間內市場將有新技術方案陸續出現。 在4月13日開幕的「香港國際創科展」上,SCC將設置「智慧生活展館」,特別展示融入生活裡面最新科技,讓大家留意智慧城市及AI 雙互產生的化學作用。

第二屆「香港國際創科展」由創科及工業局與香港貿易發展局合辦,於4月13日至16日假灣仔香港會議展覽中心舉行。 今屆展會以「智慧創新 聯通世界」為主題,匯聚十多個地區及不同科技領域的展商。


楊文銳表示,「智慧城市」的概念是指用科技去改善居民的日常生活,使生活更有效率、更容易掌握。 「SCC智慧生活展館」介紹的科技產品,包括智慧樓宇管理系統、數字分身(Digital Twin) 、 元宇宙、網絡編碼通訊、智能電動車充電樁系列,及食物科技,希望促進跨界別創科協作。 SCC展館位於會展中心3樓3E展館A01。






如有查詢,請聯絡智慧城市聯盟李嘉琪女士或葉錦華先生(電話:3480 4230 /電子郵件: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )。


SCC Smart Living Pavilion @ InnoEX 2024

The second InnoEX co-organised by the ITIB and the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) will be held from April 13 to 16. Themed "Innovations for A Smarter World", the exhibition will bring together exhibitors from more than 10 regions and different technology sectors.


Smart City Consortium(SCC)will stage a “SCC Smart Living Pavilion” at Hall 3E-A01 to showcase various HK’s smart living technologies, covering Smart Building Management, Digital Twin, Metaverse, Network Coding Communication, Smart EV Charger and Food Enzymatic Technology ( ), with an aim to promote cross-sectoral I&T development and collaboration.


The SCC Pavilion is funded by the General Support Programme of the Innovation and Technology Fund and sponsored by E-Commerce Association of HK, with HK Software Industry Association and HK Information Technology Joint Council as Supporting Organisations.  


SCC comprises a group of professionals from different corporations and organizations with an aim to provide opinions and suggestions to the Government for formulating related policies and standards in the development of Hong Kong as a world-class smart city.  We encourage worldwide collaboration with different stakeholders to create the right ecosystem.  


For more details of SCC activities, please visit , or reach SCC on phone (852) 34804230 or via email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material/event (or by members of the project team) do not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Innovation and Technology Commission or the Vetting Committee of the General Support Programme of the Innovation and Technology Fund.