Contact info: (852) 3480 4230,

     Dr. Peter KWAN

      Chairman of Data Hub Committee


    Peter Kwan, PhD; MBA; FHKCS;

    Peter Kwan set up Expert System Company Ltd in 1982. The company carried products of renowned brands like IBM, HP, Compaq, AST, Cisco, Oracle, Microsoft and Lotus Notes. In 1994 it was acquired by Legend Holdings Ltd (which was listed on the Hong Kong Main Board with stock code 992).

    Kwan joined China INFOBANK Limited in Beijing as Executive Vice President in 1997. The company is one of the largest Chinese digital content provider and authoritative source of PRC government information. DR. Kwan successfully solicited the appointment by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Co-operation of the PRC as its overseas exclusive agent to distribute both printed and electronic version of Gazette. Peter established and managed strategic relationship with international news group like Financial Times, Reuters and Dow Jones by designed and supply tailor-made data products for them.

    Kwan started offers various management soft skill courses. Clients included HSBC, Charter Bank, City Bank, Bank of China and insurance companies like AIA, Prudential and AXA. Peter also develop the Big Data analytic consultancy and training in Hong Kong, Macau and Mainland. He is the co-founder of Big Data Architect Limited (BDA), a Big Data consultancy service company in 2014.

    In 2015 BDA setup Big Data Academy with the support from pronounced technology partners and content providers to provide Big Data training for both executives and technical specialists. Big Data Academy owned a series of Big Data training courses covering different aspect of business functions and management applications in different industry for executives as well as frontier Big Data technical skill. Other Strategic partner include Institute of Human Resource Management, University of Sunderland and South China University of Technology.

    香港電腦學會院士,伍倫貢學院實務教授,英國新特蘭大學碩士導師。關博士早於80年代初創辦顯良糸統有限公司,其後與中國聯想電腦集團合並,並在香港聯合交易所上市。其後創辦中國最大商業資料庫(中國資訊行)並擔任執行副總裁,和於《財富》500強的科技公司中任職香港區總裁等。關伯明博士是香港智慧城市聯盟Data Hub 委員會聯名主席。