聯盟副會長楊文銳先生於4月9日,代表聯盟在座談會上的討論環節與其他嘉賓分享完整電子商業登記(eBR)生態及增加數碼個人身份(eID)應用的需要。 Mr. Gary Yeung, MH, Vice-president of SCC, shared his insights on the adoption of digital personal identity (eID) to electronic business registration (eBR) ecosystem at the panel discussion session in the “Hong Kong Electronics Symposium 2019” on 9th...
《明報》主辦的「大灣區智能生活」創科提案比賽於4 月 8 日舉行頒獎典禮。聯盟副會長楊文銳先生受邀出席,並以「如何以科技打造理想的智慧城市、提升生活質素」為題作出分享。 Mr. Gary Yeung, MH, Vice-President of SCC, attended the "Smart Life in Greater Bay Area" Innotech Project Proposal Competition and the awards ceremony hosted by Mingpao on 8th April. He gave a visionary sharing on the topic: "How to build an ideal smart...
聯盟副會長楊文銳先生於4月6日,代表聯盟及智慧城市學院為嶺南大學STEAM教育及研究中心主辦的「現職工程師主講STEAM教育系列: 未來科技趨勢與應用培訓工作坊」致歡迎辭。 On 6th April, Mr. Gary Yeung, MH, Vice-president of SCC, on behalf of both SCC and Smart City Academy, gave a welcoming speech on "Current Engineers STEAM Education Series: Future Technology Trends and Application Training Workshop". The workshop was hosted by STEAM...
SCC代表團昨天出席通天地智能產品孵化基地試業典禮。基地鼓勵深港青年在深圳創業,促進深港兩地合作。 Delegation of SCC attended a mock ceremony of TTD Smart Products Accelerator yesterday. TTD encourages youths in Shenzhen and Hong Kong to start businesses in Shenzhen, and promotes cooperation between Shenzhen and Hong Kong.#SCC #TTD #智慧城市聯盟 #通天地