Contact info: (852) 3480 4230,
  • 2019-04-09

    聯盟副會長楊文銳先生於4月9日,代表聯盟在座談會上的討論環節與其他嘉賓分享完整電子商業登記(eBR)生態及增加數碼個人身份(eID)應用的需要。 Mr. Gary Yeung, MH, Vice-president of SCC, shared his insights on the adoption of digital personal identity (eID) to electronic business registration (eBR) ecosystem at the panel discussion session in the “Hong Kong Electronics Symposium 2019” on 9th...

    Hong Kong Police Force Traffic Branch (Headquarters) Visit
  • 2019-04-09

    智慧城市聯盟創辦人及榮譽會長鄧淑明博士於4月9日在「市場領袖大獎2018/19」代表智慧城市聯盟向成功營銷人員頒獎。 Dr. Winnie Tang, Founder & Honorary President of SCC, presented awards to outstanding sales in the Market Leadership Award 2018/19 on 9th April.#SCC #SmartCity #MarketLeadershipAwards #智慧城市聯盟 #智慧城市  

    Hong Kong Police Force Traffic Branch (Headquarters) Visit
  • 2019-04-08

    《明報》主辦的「大灣區智能生活」創科提案比賽於4 月 8 日舉行頒獎典禮。聯盟副會長楊文銳先生受邀出席,並以「如何以科技打造理想的智慧城市、提升生活質素」為題作出分享。 Mr. Gary Yeung, MH, Vice-President of SCC, attended the "Smart Life in Greater Bay Area" Innotech Project Proposal Competition and the awards ceremony hosted by Mingpao on 8th April. He gave a visionary sharing on the topic: "How to build an ideal smart...

    Hong Kong Police Force Traffic Branch (Headquarters) Visit
  • 2019-04-06

    聯盟副會長楊文銳先生於4月6日,代表聯盟及智慧城市學院為嶺南大學STEAM教育及研究中心主辦的「現職工程師主講STEAM教育系列: 未來科技趨勢與應用培訓工作坊」致歡迎辭。 On 6th April, Mr. Gary Yeung, MH, Vice-president of SCC, on behalf of both SCC and Smart City Academy, gave a welcoming speech on "Current Engineers STEAM Education Series: Future Technology Trends and Application Training Workshop". The workshop was hosted by STEAM...

    Hong Kong Police Force Traffic Branch (Headquarters) Visit
  • 2019-04-02

    SCC代表團昨天出席通天地智能產品孵化基地試業典禮。基地鼓勵深港青年在深圳創業,促進深港兩地合作。 Delegation of SCC attended a mock ceremony of TTD Smart Products Accelerator yesterday. TTD encourages youths in Shenzhen and Hong Kong to start businesses in Shenzhen, and promotes cooperation between Shenzhen and Hong Kong.#SCC #TTD #智慧城市聯盟 #通天地

    Hong Kong Police Force Traffic Branch (Headquarters) Visit
  • 2019-03-30

    為推動京港澳三地科技創新企業,特別是人工智能、智慧城市,以及下一代互聯網行業創新企業交流,啟迪金控集團舉辦「創享未來」2019首屆京港澳(國際)科技創新大賽,旨在以科創加速推動大灣區發展。聯盟副會長楊文銳先生代表聯盟出席於3月29日舉行的總決賽。The Tus-Financial Group held the 2019 1st Bejing, Hong Kong and Macau Innovation Competition on 29th March. This competition promotes innotech...

    Hong Kong Police Force Traffic Branch (Headquarters) Visit
  • 2019-03-30

    民政事務局與民政事務總署於3月30日就豁免電子競技(電競)場地申領遊戲機中心牌照為業界舉行簡介會。 智慧城市聯盟創辦人及榮譽會長葛珮帆議員對政府豁免電競場地申領遊戲機中心牌照表示歡迎,相信有助本港電子競技行業發展。 The Home Affairs Bureau and the Home Affairs Department held a briefing on 30th March to introduce the Amusement Game Centre (AGC) Licence Waiver for operatingelectronic sports...

    Hong Kong Police Force Traffic Branch (Headquarters) Visit
  • 2019-03-26

    智慧城市聯盟創辦人及榮譽會長鄧淑明博士與聯盟綠色委員會主席鍾偉樑先生代表聯盟出席第六屆Knowledge Capital 週年紀念活動。 Dr. Winnie Tang, Founder and Honorary President of SCC and Mr. Andy Chung, Chairman of Green Committee of SCC, represented SCC to join the Knowledge Capital 6th Anniversary's event.#SCC #智慧城市聯盟 #KnowledgeCapital  

    Hong Kong Police Force Traffic Branch (Headquarters) Visit
  • 2019-03-25

    智慧城市聯盟創辦人及榮譽會長鄧淑明博士代表聯盟前往南韓首爾,參與於3月25至29日,為期五天,由The Asian Productivity Organization 主辦的 Workshop on Developing Standards for Smart...  

    Hong Kong Police Force Traffic Branch (Headquarters) Visit
  • 2019-03-14

    香港特區政府渠務署助理署長/設計拓展黃緒勤工程師及該署多名官員,昨日邀請智慧城市聯盟核心成員會面,介紹該署在BIM、GIS及多項智慧城市發展方向的最新進展。在該兩小時的會面中,雙方對有關計劃作交流,及同意日後就有關具體細節作進一步討論。   The Drainage Services Department (DSD) of the HKSAR Government invited core members of Smart City Consortium to attend a meeting yesterday to share...

    Hong Kong Police Force Traffic Branch (Headquarters) Visit