Contact info: (852) 3480 4230,
  • 2019-05-22

    香港亞太雲端科技博覽於5月22至23日假香港會議展覽中心舉行。智慧城市聯盟代表在香港智慧物聯網研討會中擔任講者,包括聯盟副會長曾劍鋒博士工程師、金融科技委員會主席陳家豪先生及金融科技委員會副主席馮德聰先生。他們分別分享物聯網技術、虛擬銀行以及商業雲端平台等概念,並與在場業內人士交流心得。   The Cloud Expo Asia Hong Kong 2019 was held during 22nd to 23rd May...

    Hong Kong Police Force Traffic Branch (Headquarters) Visit
  • 2019-05-20

    市區重建局(市建局)邀請智慧城市聯盟為其職員提供關於各種智能城市發展概念的培訓。   首次座談會由聯盟空間數據基礎設施委員會主席鄧兆星博士主講,主題為「智能技術在數據管理、城市規劃和城市管理中的應用」。他的演講吸引了市建局近百名高級管理層及職員出席。   The Urban Renewal Authority invited SCC to offer trainings to their staff on smart city development...

    Hong Kong Police Force Traffic Branch (Headquarters) Visit
  • 2019-05-07

    Hong Kong Police Force Traffic Branch (Headquarters) Visit
  • 2019-04-26

    由南京市大數據管理局局長,黨組書記唐建榮先生及南京市公安局副局長蔣平博士帶領的南京市大數據管理局代表團於4月26日訪問香港,期間和智慧城市聯盟就大數據的使用方式交流了不同的意見。另外,亦參觀了機電工程署總部,並由薛永恒署長及其團隊介紹機電工程署在香港發展智慧城市中的角色。 Mr. Tang Jianrong, Director General, Secretary of the Party Committee, Nanjing Big Bata...

    Hong Kong Police Force Traffic Branch (Headquarters) Visit
  • 2019-04-26

    智慧城市聯盟創辦人及榮譽會長鄧淑明博士及聯盟副會長楊文銳先生於4月26日至28日,前往杭州參與為期三日的「2050」年青人因科技而團聚大會,並於新生論壇中發表演講。 Dr. Winnie Tang, Founder and Honorary President of SCC and Mr. Gary Yeung, MH, Vice-president of SCC, gave speeches in a three-day New Generation Forum, namely "2050 Conference - Tech Brings Youth Together". The conference was held in Hangzhou during 26th to 28th...

    Hong Kong Police Force Traffic Branch (Headquarters) Visit
  • 2019-04-25

    瑞銀集團於4月25日舉辦 「智」選大灣區機遇投資論壇,智慧城市聯盟投資委員會副主席趙敬賢應邀擔任是次論壇的演講嘉賓,就多項國際議題及粵港澳大灣區之發展方向,以及未來投資形勢的影響發表意見。 UBS held the "China Outlook and Smart Cities in Greater Bay Area" forum on April 25th. Mr. Leo Chiu, Vice president of Investment Committee of SCC, was invited as a guest speaker to share his insights on international...

    Hong Kong Police Force Traffic Branch (Headquarters) Visit
  • 2019-04-25

    由澳門特別行政區政府科技委員會主辦的「2019互聯網+智慧城市」高峰會於4月25日至26日舉行,聯盟創辦人及榮譽會長鄧淑明博士代表聯盟出席並在專題論壇中擔任講者,分享環球智慧城市和地理資訊系統的關係。The "2019 Internet + Smart City Summit” was organized by the Science and Technology Committee of the Macao Special Administrative Region Government during 25th to 26th April. Dr. Winnie Tang, Founder &...  

    Hong Kong Police Force Traffic Branch (Headquarters) Visit
  • 2019-04-25

    城大MBA於4月25日舉辦「5G來臨:邁向實現智慧城市的關鍵 釋放5G網絡與物聯網創新力量」尖端論壇。聯盟會長楊全盛先生受邀擔任討論環節主持人。CityU MBA held a cutting-edge forum on “The Arrival of 5G: A Critical Step towards Smart City Realization, Unleash the Power of loT with 5G-enabled Innovations” on 25th April. Mr. Eric Yeung, President of SCC, was invited to be the moderator in this panel...  

    Hong Kong Police Force Traffic Branch (Headquarters) Visit
  • 2019-04-15

    由香港特別行政區政府和數碼港主辦的互聯網經濟峰會2019,今年以「數字經濟 • 締造未來」為主題,於4月15至16日舉行。聯盟副會長楊文銳先生代表聯盟,於商會論壇環節與其他嘉賓分享開放數據的新機遇。 The International Economy Summit 2019 (IES 2019) was hosted by The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Cyberport during 15th to 16th April. IES 2019 promoted "Digital Economy • Redefines...

    Hong Kong Police Force Traffic Branch (Headquarters) Visit
  • 2019-04-13


    Hong Kong Police Force Traffic Branch (Headquarters) Visit