智慧城市聯盟創辦人及榮譽會長鄧淑明博士得到懲教署委任成為其員工培訓學院的榮譽顧問。未來,她將與團隊分享智慧城市及相關科技的知識,以提升其整體管理效能。 Dr. Winnie Tang, Founder and Honorary President of SCC, was appointed by the Correctional Services Department as the Honorary Advisor of the Staff Training Institute. Winnie will share her vision and knowledge of smart city and related innovative technologies with...
佳能香港於5月23日舉行「Meet the FUTURE – Make it HAPPEN」活動,智慧城市聯盟副會長黃慧敏小姐代表聯盟出席,並於研討會中擔任主題講者,以締造生活質量的科技元素為題,分享數碼轉型的新啟發。 Canon Hong Kong held “Meet the FUTURE – Make it HAPPEN” event on 23rd May. Ms. Rosana Wong, Vice President of SCC, attended as the keynote speaker in the technology seminar 'Creating quality of life'. She...